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A Little More About Me

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  1. Name as it appears on your birth certificate: Tiffany Michelle Austin
  2. Nicknames: Pokey, Tiff, and Stone Cold, and the childhood nickname none of you will ever know.
  3. Parent's names: Boverstreet and Coverstreet, or Bob and Cyndy Overstreet
  4. Birthday: May 16th
  5. Pets: the best dog in the world-Couples...yes my dog is named after a with it.
  6. Height: 5'6"ish
  7. Eye color: hazel
  8. Hair Color: brown
  9. Piercing: ears although I rarely wear earrings
  10. Tattoos: no but I'm thinking about getting one. I'll let you know.
  11. How much do you love your job: It is's a job and it pays the bills.
  12. Birthplace: Kansas City, Kansas
  13. Living currently: 317 Brachman it up in the dorms
  14. Countries you would most love to visit? Ireland and England
  15. Been in love?: pseudo love
  16. Been to Africa?: nope
  17. Been toilet papering?: many a time...what else do you think we did in our small town for entertainment?
  18. What car do you wish you had? a BMW
  19. Loved somebody so much it made you cry?: Not much of a crier but it's happened a few times.
  20. Been in a car crash: depends on how you define crash...I've been in several fender benders (but I wasn't driving)
  21. Croutons or Bacon Bits: croutons
  22. Sprite or 7 Up: 7-Up
  23. Coffee or Coffee Ice cream: ice cream...mmm
  24. Blanket or Stuffed Animal: blanket...not a stuffed animal person.
  25. Salad Dressing: Ranch or Western
  26. Color of socks: dingy white
  27. Number of Socks: wierd random question...i'm not counting
  28. Favorite Movie: probably Animal House or Forrest Gump
  29. Favorite quote from a movie: "One time I fed my snake some beer. And he wiggled this way, and he wiggled that way..."
  30. Foods: spaghetti, steak, and Boverstreet tenderloins
  31. Day of the Week: Sunday
  32. Favorite Song : American Pie by Don McClean, Small Town by John Mellencamp, or Thicker Than Blood by Garth Brooks
  33. TV show: The Simpsons, Roseanne, and Seinfeld
  34. Would you rather Give or Receive?: give...
  35. Toothpaste: whatever is on sale
  36. Favorite Restaurant: Ole South or Applebee's
  37. Least Favorite: Long John Silver's...ew
  38. Favorite Ice Cream: swirl
  39. Favorite Zoo Exhibit: I hate've seen one caged animal, you've seen them all
  40. Sesame Street Character: Oscar the Grouch...not afraid to tell it like it is.
  41. Disney/Warner bros.: Warner Bros. It's a Disney conspiracy!!!
  42. Fast Food Restaurant: McDonald's, but I don't eat there anymore.
  43. When was your last hospital visit: never been in the hospital, but I visited Ryan when he had his car crash on Christmas Eve.
  44. What color is your bedroom's carpet?: the dorm room doesn't count so my B-field's room is ugly green
  45. What was the name of your childhood blanket: I didn't have one but I had a Cabbage Patch Doll names Premie
  46. How many times did you fail your Drivers License?: none...damn I'm smart
  47. What do you think of Tom Jones?: eh...not a big fan
  48. Where do you see yourself in 10 years? in the ministry somewhere...hopefully in a congregation or a camping facility working with youth. Maybe married but let's work on dating steps...
  49. Who is the last person that you got mail from? Nicole...she sent me a REAL letter.
  50. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: no but I have almost been arrested a few times...stories I wish not to tell
  51. Which single store would you choose to max your credit card?: A Taylor guitar dealership.
  52. What do you do most often when you are bored? play guitar or get on the computer and fill out stupid surveys.
  53. What words or phrases do you overuse? pseudo, ish, not so much
  54. Name a person close to you that lives the farthest away from you?: everyone lives far away now that I'm in TEXAS. But Tanner, Joey, Katie, Amy, Matt and Agee are probably the farthest in Cedar Falls.
  55. Most annoying thing is: slow golfers
  56. What's your Bedtime: whenever i feel like going to bed
  57. What's your favorite radio station? 99.5 the wolf