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Welcome to Total Warfare on the Internet

Welcome to Total Warfare on the Internet. This is one of the fastest growing, and also one of the broadest based World War II websites on the Internet. Here you will find selected information on the naval and land battles, the biographies of the people that went down in the history books, and naval ships involved in World War II for both sides, including the German Kriegsmarine, Japanese Nihon Kaigun, Italian Marina Militare, United States Navy, Royal Navy, and continuing to expand into other nationalities.

This site is, and probably always will be, under construction, updated, and reconstructed, so feel free to check out the daily updates to find out what is the latest and greatest of Total Warfare. Enjoy the site, and e-mail me with any comments that you might have.

Recent updates
Navies of World War II
Major Battles of World War II
Major Personalities of World War II
War of Words-Total Warfare's Book Reviews
Links to other great World War II Sites
Stories from the Veterans


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