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April 12, 1926-The keel of the Königsberg is laid in Wilhelmshaven.

March 26, 1927-The Königsberg is launched.

April 16, 1929-The Königsberg is comissioned, crewed by the Nymphe, which was recently decommissioned. The ship then embarked on trials, stopping at the city of Königsberg.

July 12, 1929-The Königsberg completes its sea trials.

January 1, 1930-The Königsberg is the flagship of the Commander of Recon Forces, Konteradmiral Gladisch.

1931 through 1934-The Königsberg takes part in several fleet exercises.

1934-The Königsberg has two aircraft installed and assigned aboard ship.

February 22, 1936-The Königsberg turns the flagship duties over to the Nürnberg.

November 25, 1936 through January 15, 1937-The Königsberg is stationed near Spain during the Spanish Civil War.

July 1937-The Königsberg makes a tour in Norweigan waters.

September 1, 1939-The Königsberg is in Poland on Reconnaissance duties. The ship remains in the Baltic for a while longer.

September 1939-The Königsberg is transferred to the north Sea, then takes part in several mining operations.

April 6, 1940-The Königsberg enters Wilhelmshaven as part of Operation Weserübung.

April 9, 1940-The Königsberg arrives at Bergen and offloads the troops. The ship is hit three times by coastal batteries, and remains in Bergen while troops seize the city. The Königsberg remains in dock to receive repairs.

April 10, 1940-The Königsberg capsizes after being hit by British dive bombers in an air raid on Bergen.

