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Survivor Stories

Here is where you will find the stories of World War II. However, these will not be from a historians point of view, with "just the facts". The stories here will be told by the men and women who fought the war, and wish to have their stories told. Many of these will be emailed to me, and I will not alter the format or context in any way. However, I reserve the right, if, in some case, we have a strongly racist attitude, not to add it to the site, although I do not forsee this as a problem. I will add at my discretion, and you may read it at yours.

I cannot speak for the content of the stories that have not been added yet, but the survivors views are the ones being expressed, and therefore please use discretion at writing complaints if you feel you must. And now, I ask that you just enjoy them, and we will be adding more to the site later.

E.E Lajeunesse (United States Navy, USS Helena, Retired)
J.S Peters, Sr. (United States Army Air Force, B-17G Flight Engineer, Retired)