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A Little About Me

Well, here is the section of my page where I spill my guts about my life. I really wanna do this? Most of you that NEED to know the most intimate details of my life already do. But, for those of you that DON'T know me that well, I will tell you a little bit about myself.

Oh...where to begin? I assure you that my life is NOT that least I don't think so. After all, how interesting can the life of a girl from Iowa be?!
Well, let's see here. My real name is Tonya, and I was born on a nice spring evening on May 10, 1974. I am the only child that my mother gave birth to, leading me to believe that once they had ME, they decided that I was MORE than enough to have to deal with. I have 2 dogs, Kascha and Ruckus..both royal pains in my patookas (in other arse). Seriously though, they are two of my very best friends, and I can't imagine my life without them in it.

My best friend by far though is not an animal. Well, I suppose that some would consider him one, but if I were to consider him as an animal, it would be nothing short of a big 'ol teddy bear. His name is Travis, and I love him to death. Most of you know who I am talking about, and if you don't it's your loss..I'm not going to get into a long detailed description of how much he means to me. I love him dearly, and don't know what in the world I would do without him. He's been there for me whenever I thought things were at their worst, and he's showed me that they could ALWAYS be worse. I can never truly repay him for the happiness that he has brought me over the years that we have been together. He's got a wild sense of humor, and he always knows just when to turn it on. But look out!!! If you get him on a roll, there is NO STOPPING him!!! Seriously though, I don't know what I would do without this man in my life. He is wonderful to me, and is truly my very best friend in the world. I love you TR!!!

As I have said before, I am from a small town in western Iowa called Onawa. It's only a few minutes away from the Missouri River, and the Nebraska border. Onawa is home of the ever famous "Eskimo Pie", and we also have the widest main street in the USA. 6 lanes to be exact! Well, Okay...I know it's nothing THAT great, but hey! It's home! It's a nice quiet little town, and is typical for most small towns, there are people that know EVERYONE. Sometimes, however it is a bonus when you are in need of assistance.

TTR-----This is where I chat. You can find me in Masquerade or In Rivendell. Watch for Witchblade or Snow!

This site created, maintained and supervised by Witchblade
Any inquiries, submissions, or problems can be directed to Witchblade
ICQ me!!! 1843003
This page last updated on Tuesday April 14, 1998