Tony "Married to a MILF" Muse

Hi I'm Tony. Don't get me confused with Tony the TOHRS-guy. The guys say that that guy is grrrrrreat!! I dont think so though. He let Eric give an acceptance speech when Eric won P.O.G. at the Dec. 3 TOHRS tourney. A lot of things happened at that tournament. Gared sure missed out on alot. My son Anthony likes to shake his bon-bon almost as much as T-Diddy. T-Diddys just a little better though. Some things I enjoy not doing are sinning, talking to Tony the TOHRS-guy (my arch nemesis), and not speed skating.

Contributions to the Mullet Hunters

Official Mullet Hunter Guestbook
He likes Speed Skating
Dante "Hey Delnita, can Justin go to a movie?" Muse
Mark "I run Skate South and charge $1 for candy bars" Muse

Favorite Quote:

"Hey guys, we need to work on our passing."
