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My Dictionary



Alias (n)- Gift of the gods. Helps protect you from stalkers, queers, and other morons running amok on the Internet.


Candlemaker (p)- Someone who only works on wickends.
1Caterpillar (n)- A worm in a fur coat.
2Caterpillar (Slang)- Motherly-type person, with a good set of shoulders to cry on.
Chat room (n)- Area online that allows you to interact with the other fools online and talk.
Committee (g)- A group that keeps minutes and loses hours.
Computer (n)- A machine that tends to crash and make things generally irritating.
Credit Card (n)- A laminated loan shark.


Enjolras (p)- Can you say perfection?


Fan-fiction (n)- Stories about a certain play, sport, or topic, and include a lot of "What-Ifs"
Fishing (n)- A sport that stimulates the brain....and the imagination.


GSTDs (g)- The LOL of the Gymnastics Chat Room
Gtriad (n)- See Miz-Chat
Gymnastics (n)- The most beautiful sport in the world. Consists generally of three parts: Team Competition, All -Around, and Event Finals
GymChat (n)- Can we just say Moceanu Mania?


Insanity (n)- A state of being when your brain deteriorates into subconciousness.
Internet (n)- a fool's paradise. Otherwise known as the World Wide Web.


Khorkina, Svetlana (p)- The essence of all things glamour, beauty, and great gymnastics.
Krugolye (n)- See Round Lake.


Leaders of the Land (g)- A well-meaning, but can be annoying group of people within Le Café. Don't you love these groups within groups? Also known as LOL.
Le Café (g)- Again, a very tight group. Heaven forbid if you should say something not of their liking.
Les Amis de la ABC (g)- Amusing, sometimes perverted group of revolutionaries, pretty easy on the eyes.


Message Boards (n)- A more diverse type of communication area. You can pick your own topic to go to, and be able to stay away from topics that you don't understand, or think are silly.
Miz-chat (n)- A room on Gtriad consisting of a cultivated, almost clannish group of people who love Les Miz and other theatre. Woe be to anyone who's ignorant of the unspoken rules.
Monica (p)- The epitome of fat bitches.


Numm (Slang)- A common idiot.


Prejudice (n)- An unwillingness to be confused by the facts.


Round Lake (n)- Can you say financially challenged? Still produces awesome Russian gymnasts.


Webpage (n)- Basically a place to brag, bluster, and tell the world about yourself, or your alias. Personal indulgence. ;)

