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I know you're wondering why I made a disclaimer page.

I had a little problem awhile back concerning my page. Someone(you know who you are) had gotten mad over a couple of my fan-fics. So, as to not create confusion and anger like last time...I've made some disclaimers.

~First off, I confess that I tend to take liberties. I am known for my quirky fan-fiction style. Accuracy is not one of my strong points, for I pretty much write whatever story comes into my little head whether its good or not!

~Secondly, I do have some fun. Take that as you wish. But please remember that in no way am I intending to disgrace or dishonor Victor Hugo's or any other writer's work. If stuff like that bothers you anyways--I have four words for you. DO NOT READ IT!!

~All that stuff applies to my lymericks and my alternative songs and quotes as well.

~Finally, if you have a real problem with one of my fan-fics, lymericks, quotes, or any other thing, you can e-mail me at the e-mail address below, and I will gladly try to see your point of view.

Quit boring me! On With the Show dammnit!
