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The Beginning of the End

Yes, GavyGym's World of Insanity is no more. However, "The Beginning of the End" will be just as weird. I kinda wanted a new atmosphere, more of a mysterious one. Just bear with me and my quirks, that's all I ask!

Enjoy your stay.

Read This!

Updates: Massive update to the Russian Gymnastics page! I got Anna's, Sveta's, Dina's, Groshie's, and Ksenia's profiles up! I also started a brand-new CATS page! Go check them out!

Places To Go & Never Return! (j/k)

About me

My Fan-Fiction Collection

Russian Gymnastics

Les Miz Pages

My CATS Page!" Poetry

Other Miscellaneous Pages to Enjoy!

My Dictionary

The Ineveitable Links Page

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