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This Will Be Fun

Frankly, from what I've been hearing and seeing, I don't even know if the new Les Miz movie is worth critiquing! Javert is a jerk, Marius is leading the revolution, Fantine and Valjean fall in love, Valjean slaps Cosette, Cosette acts like a spoiled brat, Eponine's a waitress, and countless other horrors that I am too sick to my stomach to put up!

Nevertheless, I will go and see this piece of junk they call a movie, and critique it. If there is anything left to critique that is! I have seen a few versions of Les Miz, but this one by far is the sickest. I need to go though, because I'm carrying a super-slim hope that what people are saying isn't true. Not to mention, if it is as bad as it sounds, I will have lots to rant about!

All right. Enough with the miscellaneous ventings. Here is how I will critique the movie:

The movie's Start Value will start from a 8.000. (If Eponine and Enjolras aren't removed from the movie, it will be started from a 10.0 Deductions and Additions will occur depending on how major the mistake or how teriffic a certain scene is played. Here are some of the major elements that will be crucial to getting a decent score:

~Portraying Javert as a policeman, not a jerk.
~Showing the side of Marius that most people overlook--a very thoughtful person, not just portraying him as a wuss.
~Not including a major character. (Yes, it can happen!)

Those are some of the crucial elements. There is another way to salvage the movie. These elements are called "bonus points." A couple of examples include:

~Death scenes played correctly.
~Individualizing the student's personalities.
~The scene with Gervais played correctly.

Again, there are more, but just too lazy to put them up. The higher the score, the better. A perfect 10 would be the highest to get.

These are automatic deductions if they occur:

~Excess violence esp. between Valjean and Javert.
~Nudity or sex scenes.
~Totally blowing the story out of proportion.

Here is the final scoring table: 8.5-10 --I will go to the movie again, and maybe buy the tape if I have enough money.
7-8 --I will go to the movie again if I have time and money.
5.5-6 --I will just pretend I didn't see it.
4-5 -- I will curse the director and write a complaint.
3.5-2 -- I will spread the word about how awful it is, write a complaint, curse the director, write scathing comments about it on my webpage, bay at the moon, howl in rage, etc.
1.5-1 -- Look out!

No matter what happens though, I will write my own review on it, and stick it on my webpage. You can count on that!

Les Miz
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