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Sailor Uranus

Invited by the new light, I am Sailor Uranus!

I am Sailor Uranus, one of the four Outer Senshi. When I first arrive in Sailor Moon S, Both Neptune and I search for the Talismans hidden in the carriers of the ones who are chosen. The talismens are inside the chosen's ones heart crystals and in roder to get them, there must be sacrifices. In the begining, Neptune and I would have nothing to do with Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi. We had one thing on our mind and we were going to do it alone. As time went on, we had no choice but to join Sailor Moon and the Inner Senshi when things became dangerous. We soon found out who the holders of the three talismens were....and the holders were Neptune, Pluto and I. After all the searching and fighting we find out we are the holders of the talismens. I am the holder of the talismen, the Space Sword. I am known for going right into fights unlike my campanion Neptune. I would risk my life to protect her if it came to it. Not only her but the King and Queen as well.

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