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My Artwork

This is my own personal artwork. I drew these pictures from 2000-present. Sorry for the way some of them have scanned in, you can not really appreciate them that well online! Ringo has inspired me! My favorite is Portraitures,I do mostly Ringo/Beatles, but also sample a few others. These are my favorites, I will be adding some more as soon as i get them photographed! I hope you enjoy these! Email any comments to:

This is a pencil B&W of Ringo around 1976.

This is a craypas/colored pencil of Ringo in Let it Be.

This is an oil-stick/acrylic drawing of Ringo it has glitter "tears".

This is a chalk pastel of Ringo around 1964.

These are other musicians I have drawn.

This is a oil-stick/pencil of Janis Joplin.

This is a pencil/marker of Fiona Apple.