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I Speak, I Am

by Adam "Runs with wolves"

I speak for the Native Chiefs

who fought the wars of old

for Mitakuye Oyasin


who endured the bitter cold...

I speak for past warriors,

their children and their wives

who took no more than needed;

only enough to survive...

I am the leaves on the trees,

the mountains and the rivers;

the gentle blowing breeze

I am the shelter to all brothers and sisters

in the skies and in the seas

and the ones who walk upon the ground;

they all depend on me...

I am the one who has nurtured you

from your day of birth;

WHY must you disrespect me,

when I am your MOTHER EARTH


Adam "Runs with wolves" is my son. He is of Oglala Sioux, Northern Cherokee (White River Band) and Scotch-Irish decent. He resides in Iowa. Adam was brought up in a home with Native American Spirituality as a top priority, so his respect for all life and Mother Earth is upmost. His ability to interact with people of all walks of life, especially those with mental disabilities is extrordinary. He is a very warm and wonderful person and I am so very proud to be his Mother, and very priveledged to be his friend. I hold much respect and love for him within my heart, now and forever.

My Sister Julie, and My Son Adam in Columbia, Mo. at a Powwow.

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