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Wish Ritual

A Powerful Wish Spell- taken from Spirit Online, used with permission. This is a little complicated to describe but is well worth it, so diagram images have been included to help you out a bit. You need a piece of recycled paper (recycled notebook paper works fine). On the paper, write a short poem or chant to the Goddess and God that states your wish. It is alright if you aren't the best poet on earth! But it is very important that you say exactly how you feel and what exactly you need. Do your best and say it from the heart. Close the poem with thanks to the Goddess and God. Fold it in half with the words inside it. Draw a triple goddess sign on the outside. It should look basically like
)O( Now fold it in half again with the symbol on the inside. Now draw a pentacle on the paper, which looks like a star pointing up in a circle. Finally, flip it over and write your name and birthdate on the other side. Put this aside in a safe place and your wish will come true in due time. If you change your mind before it comes true, burn the paper and put the ashes to the earth. Back to spells )O( Back home Copyright ©1999 by Lori Wilson
