The VF Plus Series of Veritech Fighters was designed in 2040 when the REF High Command approved a Fleet Wide Upgradtion of ALL VF Series Veritech Fighters still in service at the time. The design was given a MAJOR overhaul, replacing the old Veritechs armor with materials used in construction of the VF-1V Vandicator, inproved energy weapons and missile payload, as well as replacing the long outdated FF-2001 Fusion turbine engines with FF-2100J Plus Fusion Turbines, the most powerful engines as of 2040 capable of Mach 5 speed. The VF Plus is also equipped with Dorsal Mounted Booster Packs (FAST Packs) capable of carrying even more missiles and reaching up to Mach 6.5. The old GU-11 has been replaced with the new GU-15 gunpod, a much more powerful gunpod with a bigger payload.
Class: Veritech Fighter, VF Series
Vehicle Type:
VF-1A Veritech Fighter (Used from 2009, and still in service on a limited basis as of 2038. Standard model Veritech Fighter used by all non commisioned officers)
VF-1J Veritech Fighter (Variant of the VF-1 used by aces and low ranking officers. Has 2 had lasers instead of one and different head styling.)
VT-1D Veritech Fighter (Trainer Model, variant of the VF-1, but with different head styling then the A, J, and S models and has two seats, as well as 2 head lasers)
VF-1S Veritech Fighter (VF-1 Variant used by Squadron Commander and Second in Command. Carries 4 head lasers.)
Super Veritech (Modified Version of the VF-1A, J, and S Models. Designed 2011, still in service on a limited basis as of 2038.)
Armored Veritech: (Designed/Produced on a limited basis in 2010-2011, carries extra armor and missiles.)
VF-1 Plus Veritech Fighter (Designed 2040 during fleet wide upgradetion of all VF Series Veritech Fighters still in service. Designed with VF-1A, J, and S head styles.)
Crew: One pilot, or one passenger on the pilots lap.
Head: 80
Head Mounted Lasers (1, 2 or 4): 30 each
Arms (2): 100 each
Hands (2): 50 each
Legs/Thrusters (2): 200 each
* Main Body: 425
Pilot's Compartment/Escape Pod: 250
Retractable Utility Arms (3): 5 each
Wings (2): 150 each
Tails (2): 50 each
GU-15 Gunpod: 125
Fast Packs (2): 230 each
*:Depleting the MDC of the main body will destroy the mecha. The escape pod will be jettision when the MB is destroyed.
100 mph (160 kmph)
30 ft (9 m) high or 50 ft (15.2 m) long without thrusters.
350 mph (480 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
Mach One (670 mph/1072 kmph) maximum speed limit in an Earth-like atmosphere. Can also hover in place indefinitely.
Mach 5.1 (3417MPH) maximum speed in an Earth-like atmosphere.
Mach 6.5 (4355 MPH)
47.5 ft (14.10 m) in Battloid
30.0 ft (8.70 m) in Guardian
22.8 ft (3.84 m) in Fighter
20.2 ft (5.45 m) at shoulders in Battloid.
49.3 ft (14.78 m) in Guardian or Fighter Mode with wings at maximum extension.
16.0 ft (4.80 m) in Battloid.
37.3 ft (11.30 m) in Guardian.
47.4 ft (14.23 m) in Fighter.
WEIGHT: Unloaded: 18.7 tons
Equal to a P.S. of 140(a bit more realilistic then PS 60).
Small compartment behind pilot's seat for personal belongings.
MAIN ENGINE: FF-2100J Plus Fusion Turbines in each leg.
1: HEAD LASERS: These are modified versions of the head lasers used in the original VF series Veritechs.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
RANGE: 3000 feet (600 m)
DAMAGE: 2D4 M.D. per laser (4D4 for J model, 8D4 for S model). One long, extended blast lasts one full melee and does double damage, counts as two attacks that melee and can not be used against fast moving/dodging opponents.
RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the pilot's combined number of attacks.
PAYLOAD: Effectively Unlimited.
2: JET FIGHTER NOSE LASERS: As with the Head lasers, these are modified versions of the original Nose lasers, they can be fired in Jet and Guardian Modes.
SECONDARY PURPOSE: Anti Aircraft/Anti Missile
RANGE: 6000ft
DAMAGE: 4D6 MDC per single blast for a total of 8D6 MDC per twin blast.
RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the Pilots hand to hand.
PAYLOAD: Unlimited.
3: SHORT RANGE/LONG-RANGE MISSILES: Each wing of the VF Plus now has 4 hardpoints on it for holding missiles and other armaments. Each hardpoint can hold one long-range missile or 5 Short Range Missiles, for a total of 8 Long Range Missiles of 30 Medium Range Missiles. Note: These missiles have to be launched before transformation into Battloid is possible.
PRIMARY PURPOSE: Assault/Defense
MISSILE TYPES: Any type of Short Range or Long Range Missile can be used.
RANGE: Varies with missile type.
DAMAGE: Varies with missile type.
RATE OF FIRE: 1 at a time or volleys of up to 8/24 (all of them).
PAYLOAD: Up to 8 long-range missiles or 24 medium-range missiles.
4: FAST PACK MEDIUM RANGE MISSILES: The Fast Packs that the VF Plus can carry contain 50 MEDIUM RANGE missiles.
RANGE: Varies with missile type
DAMAGE: As Above
RATE OF FIRE: 1-25 missiles per pack. All 50 can be launched if the 25 in both packs are launched at the same time.
PAYLOAD: 25 Missiles per pack for a total of 50.
5: GU-11-2 35mm/55mm GUNPOD: This is a redesigned GU-11 that uses clips of ammo. It can fire both the standard REF 35mm. rounds used in the GU-XX, or the standard 55mm rounds of the original GU-11. While the 55mm. rounds do more damage, the 35mm. rounds have a much larger clip.
RANGE: 4000 feet (1200 m)
DAMAGE: 55mm: Does 4D6 MDC for a short burst, 1D6x10 MDC for a long burst, or 2D6x10 MDC for a full melee burst. 35mm: Does 3D6 MDC for a short burst, 1D4X10 on a long burst, or 2D4X10 MDC for a full melee burst.
RATE OF FIRE: Equal to the number of combined attacks of the pilot.
PAYLOAD: Each 55mm. clip holds 300 rounds, equal to 30 short bursts, 15 long bursts, or 7 full melee bursts. Each 35mm. clip holds 500 rounds, equal to 50 short bursts, 25 long bursts, or 12 Full Melee Bursts.
6: BUILT IN EGW-14 ENERGY GATLING GUN (OPTIONAL BUT RARE): Located in the nose of the VF Plus with a hidden compartment door capable of opening upon the push of a button is a retractable powerful and experimental Gatling Gun, a less quirky version of the "Earl" on the REF AAT-40, it has a very high rate of fire and dosen't burn out easily, but does require a cool down period after prolonged use.
Primary Purpose: Heavy Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti Missile.
Range: 4000ft.
Damage: Short Burst does 6D6, Medium Burst does 1D6X10, Full Melee Burst does 2D6X10,
Rate of Fire: 4 Short Bursts, 2 Medium Bursts, or 1 Full Melee Burst.
Payload: Effectively Unlimited, but theres a 50% chance the Gatling Gun will require 2D4 minutes to cool down if it fires 4 Full Melee bursts within 2 minutes.
HAND TO HAND COMBAT: If necessary, the pilot of the VF Plus can engage in melee combat rather than use a weapon. The Veritech is extremely agile and can execute most typical hand to hand combat moves, such as punches, jump kicks, leap attacks, rolling with impacts, etc.
Restrained Punch: 1D6 M.D.
Full Strength Punch: 4D6 M.D.
"Booster" Punch: 1D4X10 M.D. (counts as two attacks)
Tear or Pry with Hands: 2D4 M.D.
Kick: 4D6 M.D.
Leap Kick: 1D4X10 M.D. (counts as 2 attacks)
Body Flip/Throw: 2D6 M.D.
Body Block/Tackle: 2D6 M.D.
Stomp: 3D6 M.D. (only effective against small objects(12ft or smaller))
Note: Since the systems of the VF Plus have been upgraded compared to the old VF Series, Mecha Combat: Veritech OR Alpha can be used at full efficentcy.
STANDARD EQUIPMENT for the VF Plus is the same as both the VF series and all standard REF Veritechs equipment combined. The VF Plus uses the VF Series 200 mile radar and a modfied version of the old Reactor System (20 year life, 10 on constant use) instead of the Short Range Radar and Protoculture Cell system used in most REF Veritechs. The VF Plus also carries an escape pod with 24 hr. O2 supply that automatically jettisons when the main body is destroyed.
1: RADAR ABSORBANT COATING: A Radar Absorbant Coating painted on the trim of the Veritech, reducing the chances of detection. While against Invid Protoculture Sensors this is worthless, it's quite good against other alien aircraft. But against conventional radar, it means that the VF Plus is indetectable until within 1500ft of where the Radar is being used at.