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NOTE: These Gears are NOT made for Rifts! They are made to be up to par with their own world stats, not to be thrown into some big Maelstrom of Hellspawn and Munchkinism otherwise known as Rifts Earth. Please keep that in mind before bombarding me with emails!


Brigandier is a Gear excavated from the Ruins of Aveh, around the same time as the Heimdal. It is mainly red, with an eyepatch over one sensor in the head an a feather for decoration. It's a bit bulkier then the average Gear, but still quite manuverable. It's main weapons are built in whips. Overall Brigandier is built for Desert Combat, this being evident with the built in hovering jets adapted for the desert.


Pilot: 1 (Bartholomew Fatima.).

Builder: Aveh.

Gear Type: Pirate Use Ground Desert Assault Gear.


Head: 80

Chain Gun: 75

Arms: 160 each

Hands: 50 each

Built in Whips(2): 60 each.

Legs: 210 each

*Upper Torso: 430

*Lower Torso: 330

Hovering Jet: 250.

Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 300

*:Destruction of the Upper Torso means the Jets, Arms, Head, Whips, and Chaingun are offline. Destruction of the Lower Torso means the legs are offline.


Height: 17 Sharl (16.393m)

Dry Weight: 13.9 Karn (15.012 tons)

Loaded Weight: 18 Karn (20.088 tons)


Battery Life: 7.061 Hours of constant use.

Ether Amplification: X2.

Ether Defense: 25%.

Land Range: 1,489.871 Repsol (1,191.8968MI/2,397.2095KM)

Flying Range: 324,720 Repsol (3,371.6275MI/5424.54KM)

Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 60.


Ground, Running: Up to 350 Repsol (211MPH/339.5KPH)

Non Thruster Leap: 110ft.

Thruster Assisted Leap: Up to 500ft.

Flying: From a stay in place hover up to 792 Repsol (477.5MPH/768.24KPH). But full speed flight can only be kept up for 3D6X10 minutes before the Hovering Unit overheats and landing will be nessicary. Crusing speed is around 100-300KPH.


1: INSTALLED CHAIN-GUN: Basically identical to Weltalls.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Range: 2000ft.

Damage: Short Burst 4D6 MDC. Long Burst 1D4X10 MDC. Full Melee Burst 1D6X10 MDC.

Rate of Fire: 4 Short Burst, 2 Long Bursts, or 1 Full Melee Burst per Melee.

Payload: Enough for 6 Full Bursts, 12 Long Bursts, or 21 Short Bursts.

2: HEAT RODS/WHIPS: Connected to the wrist are two whip like Heat Rods, retracted into a compartment in the wrist but can be flung out in an instant. Most Gears are trashed when hit only a few times by the Whips.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Range: Each whip has about a 40ft. range.

Damage: 1 Whip: A slap with a whip does 4D6 MDC. A normal whip slash does 1D4X10 MDC. A Power slash (takes 2 attacks) does 2D4X10+10 MDC. Grabbing a Gears leg and knocking it off it's feet does 2D6 MDC to the Gears leg and has a 60% chance of knocking it down, causing loss of init. and 2 attacks. Entangling a Gears arm does 2D6 MDC to the Gears arm, and grabs on, allowing Brigandier to jerk it around. Whips can also be used to disarm.

2 Whips: (All require 2 attack unless otherwise stated): A slap from both whips does 4D6X2 MDC. 2 Normal whip slashes does 2D4X10 MDC. A twin power slash (requires 3 attacks) does 2D8X10+20 MDC. Grabbing a Gears leg(s) does either 4D6 MDC to one leg or 2D6 MDC to both and has a 80% chance of knocking a Gear of it's feet. Grabbing a Gears arm(s) does either 4D6 MDC to one or 2D6 MDC to each, and allows Brigandier to jerk them around (if both arms are grabbed, then the tangled up Gear is gonna have some trouble attacking with it's arms).

NOTE: Whips are NOT USABLE for parrying.

Number of Attacks: Equal to Pilots Hand to Hand.

Payload: Unlimited. The Heat Charge within the whips lasts as long as the Generator is running.

2: HAND TO HAND: Use Rifts Robot Combat, Robotech Mecha Combat (Any Veritech or Gladiator Destroid,), or Macross II Valkyrie Combat. Brigandier is average in terms of strength. About as powerful as Heimdal, but not as powerful as Stier or Weltall.

Restrained Punch: 1D4 MDC.

Normal Strength Punch: 3D6 MDC.

Full Strength Punch: 5D6 MDC.

Power Punch (requires 2 attacks): 1D4X10+10 MDC.

Restrained Kick/Knee: 1D6 MDC.

Kick: 3D8 MDC.

Full Strength Kick: 5D6 MDC.

Flying/Jump Kick (takes all attacks): 2D4X10 MDC.

Thruster Punch/Kick (takes all attacks): 1D6X10+5 MDC.

Body Blow: 2D6 MDC plus a 60% chance of knocking the target down, causing loss of init. and 2 attacks.

Body Tackle: 1D8 MDC and a 80% chance of knocking and pinning the target down, meaning loss of attacks and init until targets gets out from under Brigandier.

Stomp: 1D6 MDC (Can only be done to Targets under 14ft. tall).

SYSTEM BONUSES: Brigandier is only average when it comes to agility, but is still something to be weary of. +1 Attacks, +1 to Strike, +1 to Parry, and +1 to Dodge.

