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Protoss who have been heavily wounded in battle may have the option of having their ruined bodies placed inside the cold, armored shell of a Dragoon Exoskeleton. With a short time the warriors learn to use their new bodies with superior ease. Dragoons are equipped with a Phase Disruptor and often serve as support for Zealots in battle.

Dragoon Exoskeleton Stats:

Class: Protoss Combat Exoskeleton.

Crew: One hell of a crippled Protoss Warrior (most often a Zealot).

MDC BY LOCATION: *Main Body: 325

**Legs(4): 75 each.

***Sensor Head: 50.

Phase Disruptor: 50.

*: Depleting MDC of the main body destroys the Dragoon and occupant and leaves a mess of blue goo.

**: Destroying one leg reduces speed by 25%, reducing 2 on both sides reduces speed by 80%, reducing one on each side slows the Dragoon down by 80% as well.

***: Destroying the Sensor head blinds the Dragoon, making it very hard to hit anything.

TOP SPEED: 70 MPH running at top speed.

Height: 7ft. High Max.

Width: 57t. at the widest.

Length: 8ft at the longest.

Weight: 500 lbs.


1: DRAGOON PHASE DISRUPTOR CANNON: This is the only weapon on the Dragoon, a highly powerful disruptor cannon that does some effective damage against opponenets. The Cannon has a 360 degree angle but can only shoot in a 90 degree arc on the Z axis (up and down movement).

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Secondary Purpose: Anti Aircraft.

Damage: 2D4X10 MDC.

Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee.

Payload: Unlimited.

