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This page covers most equipment and upgrades availible to Gears.


1: Radar Range: 10 miles.

2: Combat Computer: Contains information about most Kislev and Aveh Gears, as well as space for about 100 extra targets. The Combat Computer also adjusts the Gears reaction time and settings to the pilots, allowing for optimum piloting ability.

3: Conventional Radio System: Short Ranged.

4: Targeting Computer: A somewhat advanced system that allows a +2 to strike with guns or lasers.


1: Radar: Much more advanced then the Surface Dwellers Radar, Range is 50 miles.

2: Combat Computer: Contains information about most Kislev, Aveh, Gebler, and Solaris Gears. It also contains enough espace for 200 extra targets. The Combat Computer adjusts the Gears reaction time and settings to match the pilots for optimum performance.

3: Conventional Radio System: Somewhat longer ranged then the Surface Dwellers version.

4: Laser Communications System: A more sophisticated communication system then the standard radio.

5: Advanced Targeting Computer: Provides a +3 to strike.


1: Telepathic Control System: Omnigears don't use conventional controls, but rather a telepathic control system. The pilot imagines the gear doing something, and the gear does it. Thus, there are no controls to take offline, you have to knock the pilot out. The Pilot CAN order the Omnigear to Auto Pilot, and even after the pilot is knocked out, the Gear will finish out any orders. If the pilot is KILLED, the Gear stops dead, and will forget the command.

2: Unsegmented Armor: The Armor plating on Omnigears is not Segmented. Thus, it makes it harder to rip armor plating off. For example, the armor on the legs is one solid piece. The chest armor is typically one piece as well, except for the pilots compartment which must open up. The arm and leg joints ARE segmented however, so the upper and lower legs and upper and lower arms are still 2 pieces.

GENERATORS: All Gears run on special Ether Slave Generators that draw power from an unknown source. But they have a VERY long life span. Power from the generator is stored in the internal batteries however, which can and will run out of power until the generator recharges them.

FUEL AND INTERNAL BATTERIES: Fuel is a substance that, really, is similar for all world powers (Although Solaris fuel may be a bit more pure and refined with more punch then Kislev or Aveh fuel). Fuel amounts totally vary per Gear. The Internal Batteries are used for basic systems operations and stored near the engine area. While either one can be used for keeping the Gear online, the Battery does not provide as much energy as the Fuel Engine. The Battery can be used for most things, like walking, running to an extent, and often for Thrusters. However, for things that require more response time, strength, and speed, the Fuel Engine must be used. In Combat, for example, to have full fighting potential, the Gear must use it's Fuel Engine to get the most response time and destructive power. In order for a Gear to use full Strength attacks, the Fuel Engine must be online. Thus, typically every offensive or defensive action in combat will waste fuel. Note that the Internal Batteries get power drawn from them whether the Gear is using the Fuel Engine or not. Turning off the Gear is the only way to converse battery life. Note that the times given for Battery life only apply for when the Gear is at full power use, so turning off any unimportant systems and leaving just what's needed online can extend battery life by alot. A non moving Gear also extends battery life by a hellavalot.


1:BOOSTER: This option is availible to most Gears. It requires 1 action to use, and another to turn off. It basically doubles the speed of the Gear (ground and air/afterburner) by giving the Fuel Engine more output, but wastes twice as much fuel in return. It increases speed, but not strength.

2: CHARGE: This option is useful incase a Gear is almost out of battery power and is availible to ALL Gears. It requires an action to use the Charge option. Everytime it's used the Gears slave generator goes overdrive for a few seconds to give the Gear 3 MINUTES of Battery Power per use. Or, if needed, it can thin out the Fuel consumption for a short brief while, giving the Gear the equal of more fuel (this does not effect battery life significantly). While not really that much, it can be useful, speical add ons can increase the amount charged.

3: ETHER AMPLIFIER AND INDUCTION: Not availible to most Gears. This interesting system allows a Magic User, Chi Master, or Psychic to channel his energy through the Gear and amplify the attack. The Gear itself does this by enforcing energy known at Ether from special Energy Cells and increasing the power of the attack. How much is amplified depends on the Gear itself. Range, Damage and Duration are all MULTIPLIED by the number on each Gears respective page (under Ether Amplification). Ether Induction is how much protection a Gear will have against Magic, Chi, or Psychic Attacks. The % is how much of the attack is reduced against the Gear. The higher the %, the less damage a Gear will take from a Chi, Magic, or Psionic Attack. Gears without any Ether Induction have a 0% defense. Most Gear's have 0% induction, meaning they will take FULL damage from those attacks. Gears with 0 Ether Amp mean Ether Attacks cannot be channeled, and X1 means Ether attacks CAN be channeled, but it will be base damage for that attack, in MDC. NOTE: Only spells below 10th Level can be used by the Ether Amp SAFELY. Any offensive spells over Level 10 have a 95% chance of causing the system to overload and explode, dishing 3D6X10 MDC to the Gears Upper and Lower Torsos WITHOUT the spell being cast! Any Radius effecting spells like Annihilate have a 60% chance of casting, but the Gear is ground zero for the explosion(that means with Annihilate, if you use it, you stand a huge chance of getting the fack blown outta ya!)

4: FRAME FIX: The system uses the fuel engine to fix a portion of Gears Upper and Lower Torsos. However, each time it's used, a % of the fuel equal to a % of the frame fixed is used up(Example: Frame Fix 30 fixes 30% of the Gears frame, but it consumes 30% of the max amount of fuel in the tank). It comes in models of 10%, 30%, 50%, 70%, and 90%, 10% and 30% being most common. This system only works for the Upper and Lower Torsos.


ARMOR: 1:ETHER ARMOR: This Armor type increases a Gear's Ether Defense by 25% (That means that the Gear only inducts 75% of an attack). Every layer (equal to about a ton) adds an additional 25%.

2: EXTRA ARMOR: Standard Armor that can be layered on with the current armor to provide more MDC. Every ton of Armor adds 20 MDC. However, every 2 layers of armor incurs a culmultive -2 to Parry, Dodge, and Strike. Every Extra Layer is about a ton.

3: LITE ARMOR: This type of armor is lighter then the standard armor, thus more can be put on along with the standard armor. This type of Armor adds 40 MDC per ton. If combined with a Gear's normal armor, It requires 10 tons of this armor to incur a culmulative -1 to Parry, Dodge, and Strike. Also, this armor is highly rare as well.

4: MIRROR ARMOR: This armor is incredibly effective against laser attacks. Layered on top of standard armor, each ton reduces Energy damage by 50%. 2 Tons is 100% Laser Resistance.

5: ANGEL ARMOR: This armor has anti supernatural properties. When layered on top of standard armor, it reduces damage by the supernatural (Magic/Psionic mostly, but supernatural creatures physical attacks as well) by 30% per ton. Up to 4 tons can be put on.

SPECIAL SYTEMS: 1:MAGNETIC COATING: This allows for smoother movement between joints, increasing the reaction time of a Gear. +1 Init, +2 to Parry and Dodge with a Magnetic Coating.

2: RESPONSE CIRCUIT: This device increases how fast a Gear responds. +1 Attack, +2 Init.

3: O2 CYLINDER: This makes it so a Gear suffers no penalties while fighting in water.

4: SEALING SYSTEM: This option makes Gears airtight sealed. It enables them to travel through desert without getting sand in their joints, through space and through water while being airtight. If a gear suffers damage while in these enviorments, they will not be effected by water pressure, blowing sand, or vacumm.

5: AUTOMATIC GYRO SYSTEM: Helps a Gear stay on it's feet and balanced. +3 to Roll, +2 to Dodge. Also, the Gear is not effected by knockdown, unless it's an automatic knockdown, and even then it's only a 50% chance.

6: GUIDANCE THRUSTERS: Can be used in space or underwater. Allows Gears extra agility in these enviorments. +2 Init, no penalties to dodge while in these enviorments either.

7: BATTERY CHARGERS: These can increase the amount of battery power OR FUEL gained per Charge. A Chargers restore 6 minutes of time, or about 50 units of fuel. S chargers can do 15 minutes of time, or 100 units of fuel. X Chargers manage up to 60 minutes of time, or 200 units of fuel. Z Chargers manage 2 hours of time, or 500 units of fuel. These also increase the Fuel Charge by roughly the same amounts.

8: O2 CYLINDER: Actually a set of 02 Cylinders. These enable a Gear to fight with close to full fighting potential underwater. No penalties.

9: CIRCUITS: Each circuit has a seperate advantage, and adjusts the Gear's system to handle a situation more effectively (Like Desert Fighting)

B Circuit: This Circuit enables a Gear to fight in full power in Snow or Cold Climate, without worrying about Freezing joints and frost and such.

C Circuit: This Circuit enables a Gear to fight in full power in a Desert or Hot Climate, without worry of Overheating or sand in joints.

D Circuit: Increases Underwater performance, similar to an 02 Cylinder System.

E Circuit: Increases Ether Amp. by X1, and Ether Defense by 20%.

Old Circuit: Increases Response Time by 15%, meaning the Gear will react quicker to controls with less delay time in response.

10: FX CLEANER: A special purge system that fixes and cleans out irregularities in a Gear's engine and system when the Gear charges in 1D4 melees.

11: ENGINE GUARD: This systrem prevents damage to the engine system and internal batteries. In case the engine suffers damage, it will automatically reroute energy to certain systems as so there is no performance loss.

12: TANK GUARD: This system protects and repairs the Gear's Fuel Tank, meaning no loss of fuel when the tank is damaged, or at least very little. This also means that anything that drains fuel will be unable to drain any.

13: ARMOR GUARD: This system does NOT increase or restore MDC, but it does keep the Armor Plating of the Gear in fair upkeep, keeping it's integrity the same, and preventing the Armor from getting gapping holes and exposing the internal frame and such (in otherwords, it's MUCH harder to damage the internal structure with this installed).

14: PILOT SHIELD: A system that protects the pilot and cockpitfrom various things, such as damage, radiation, magic or psionics penetrating the cockpit, and also insulates it so the pilot is safer if the main body is crushed or destroyed.

15: ANTI ANGEL SYSTEM: This special item makes a Gear IMMUNE to damage from a Supernatural creature. However, this only applies to natural attacks from the supernatural being. Spell Magic will still inflict full damage to it, minus special armor and Ether Induction of course.

16: GNRS30 and GNRS50 These HIGHLY rare and BIGTIME exspensive add on's increase the Gear's total power output by either 30% or 50% depending on which addon. In game terms, that means a Gear's overall PS is increased by 30% for the GRNS30, and 50% by the GRNS50! Multiple GRNSs can be installed. However, more GRNS's will only increase a Gear's PS by the % of the ORIGINAL power output, not including the other GRNS's. Fuel and battery usage is not effected in any way.

