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I thought this up during a Study Hall more boring then usual during my Final Fantasy VIII obession period (which technically only lasts 2 days but with Final Fantasy VII and VIII it lasted several weeks.) I figured if you could make a Gunblade out of a Pistol, you could probably make one with a Submachine Gun or Shotgun!

A gunblade (if you have never heard of one or never played Final Fantasy VIII) is basically a gun with the barrel replaced by a blade. Damage for the blade or the gun varies on the type of gun or blade used. Building gunblades needs some craftsmanship and weapons building skill, the better or more complex a gunblade, the better you have to be. The following is basic guidelines and rules and all that crap on making a gunblade or converting a normal gun to a gunblade.

BASIC GUNBLADE STATS: Most Gunblades share the following.

Length: Varies, but the longest someone can get a blade without ruining the balance is about 5ft. long. Unless your using an incredibly light material (or you want somthing like the Ehrgeiz)

Weight: Again, varies on the size of the blade plus the type of gun. (an SMG is heavier then a revolver obviously!)

Blade Damage: Depends on the type of blade (normally SDC, but if a Vibroblade is used as the blade, it will do MDC). If a nat 20 is rolled, the user also manages to fire the gun (see below) while he is cutting into the opponent. The gun damage is normal but blade damage is X2. For stats on blade damage please refer to the Short or Large Sword section in either the Rifts RPG or Palladuim Fantasy RPG book.

Gun Damage: Varies with the type of gun used. Number of Attacks/Rate of Fire: The user can use the blade up to his number of hand to hand attacks. For the Gun, a Single shot can be fired 6 times per melee. An automatic follows the standard Automatic weapon rules in the books.

Bonuses: Varies totally on how the blade was contructed (no rules here, its up to whoever made the gunblade to decide bonuses, I suggest the Dwarven and Kobalt weapon making rules from Palladium Fantasy RPG.)

GUNBLADE CONSTRUCTION: This is not an easy thing to do, gunblades are not as easy as people think they are to build and thus the design could be flawed easily.

Required Skills: WP Sword, WP for that type of gun, and Weapons Enginnering or somthing similar.

(Note: A failed Weapons Enginnering roll means:

1-20%: Unbalanced, -1 to strike, -2 to parry.

21-60: Gun has a 25% chance of jamming per shot, or a 50% chance of jamming after 10 constant shots due to the heat. It takes 1D6 actions to unjam a gun. Twice as long during combat.

61-80: Weak point in the gunblades construction, after about 4D6 or so parries or used by a person with Supernatural PS or normal PS of 20 or higher, there is a 50% chance of the gun cracking somewhere. Then there is a 70% chance of the gun breaking totally on the roll of a natural 20.

81-100: Forging error when connecting the blade to the barrel. There is a 30% chance that the gun itself will crack or explode when fired, and a 75% chance when doing a shot slash (a natural 20 sword strike).

Required Tools: Forging equipment, maybe a welding torch, a usable sword blade and the gun required.

Creating Time: See examples of blades below. Add 1 or 2 weeks if you need to take the time to forge the blade. Also add a day if modifying a Vibro Blade for Gunblade use.

Bonuses: If making a known style of Gunblade, use the examples below on the Gunblade type page. If making your own, then I suggest using somthing like the Palladium Fantasy RPG books Dwarven or Kobalt weapon bonuses section.

