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The Ancient Poem of the 5 Armors of the Circle of Light.

Torch of spirit sought through five,

Drinking strength from immortal fire,

Darkest prison sheds the light,

Swirling beneath a sea of salt,

Buried within a throne of rock,

Floating amongst the eyes of ages,

unmored in the stream of the sky.

The same poem untranslated (Japaneese).

Makimizunara toku, haruka kimi ga tame

Natasumamu wagare o zo, fushishinobu

Hikarisaku aki, hotoshu ni seshi

Ooyuki yamano moreshi fuyu

Sora no nagre ni shin mo kogretsutsu.

The Legend of the Ronin Armors is a little known tale of most people say 5 mystic suits of armor, although some say 9. They were created 1000yrs. ago by an Ancient Monk who defeated the Lord of the Nether realms, Lord Talpa of the Dark Dynasty, and prevented him from invading feudal Japan. The Ancient couldn't destroy Talpas powerful armor, but he was able to defuse it into 9 seperate armors, 5 Ronin Armors and 4 Warlord Armors. In the Ronin Armors he embedded the elements of Wildfire, Halo (Light/Spirit), Torrent (Water), Hardrock (Earth), and Strata. (Air) He also imdedded the 5 attributes (they appeared on the armor wearers foreheads in the form of symbols) of virture, wisdom, trust, justice, and life in the armors listed respectively. The Warlords armors were corrupted by Talpa in the 16th Century in Feudal Japan when Talpa was recruiting warriors. They repersented Cruelty, Corruption, Venom, and Illusion. The 5 Armors of light were seperated to different parts of the planet somehow. If Talpa ever invaded Earth again, the armors would reactivate and those chosen by destiny would seek out the armors and find them.

Basic Rules regarding any of the 9 Armors:

All of the armors requires the undersuit, which is usally located with the armor, in order to use them. If anyone was searching for the 5 armors of light, they would be located were there element would be the strongest. The Armor of Wildfire would be in the middle of a volcano. The Armor of Halo would usally be located in a cave (usally around an area where light shined through deep inside the cave). The Armor of Torrent would be found under a riverbed or ocean of salt water. The Armor of Hardrock would be found embedded in a rock face. And the Armor of the Strata would be in orbit around Earth somewhere. (note: if you wished for PCs to look for the armor, give them the poem found at the beginning of the page so they can find the armor for themselves).

The armors can be activated by the wearer of the undersuit yelling a special password, usally its Dao-Chi, as well as the name of their armor.(Example: "Armor of the Halo! Dao Chi!) The armors each have a attribute/symbol that the wearers either seek out, repersent, or try to protect. (Wildfire repersents virture, Halo seeks or repersents wisdom, Torrent repersents trust, Hardrock repersents and tries to enforce justice, Strata tries to protect life) Dynasty Armors have similar symbols, most repersent more negative things (Cruelty is loyalty, believe it or not (the wearer is always loyal to his master but has the right to pick his own master), Venom is Piety, Corruption is Obedience, and Illusion is Serenity)

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