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This is a list of Martial Art abilities, magic spells and psionics I thought up (Alot of these I thought up after playing Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy too long) Enjoy.


CHI MASTERY: PROJECTING FIST: Not available until at least Lv. 5. Part Chi mastery, part Martial Art technique. The Martial Artist spends hours a day punching at a candle repeateatively, trying to put it out, until they can be halfway across the room and do it. In game terms, this translates to being able to attack someone who is not within range of your fist. This may be done twice a melee round, plus one extra attack at Lv. 8, 11, and 14. Range of the Projecting Fist (which can be a punch, palm, or any ONE HANDED attack, but not a weapon strike) is 5ft+1ft. per level, with normal damage (with NO PS bonus). Critical Strikes as per hand to hand. Dodge's are made at -3, but parries can be made, with NO bonus. 3 Chi per use is required.

CHI MASTERY: BURNING PALM: When used, Burning Palm causes a painful burning sensation whenever a target is struck. In game terms, a successful palm strike with burning palm means the opponent must make a save vs. pain, or suffer -4 init, and -3 to parry, dodge, and strike. Requires 2 Chi per use.

CHI MASTERY: EXPLOSIVE CHI: The martial artist uses short, but sudden and powerful, bursts of Chi to attack their target. To use, the martial artist must use a hand strike against their target. A successful strike means that there will be a sudden, explosive impact of Chi against the target. For every 3 points of Chi used, Explosive Chi deals 1D6 damage (with a max. of 2D6+1D6 damage every 2 levels, starting at receiving level), in addition to being knocked back 1D6ft, requiring a save to maintain balance to avoid falling down. Parries result in half damage from the Chi explosion, but no punch damage. Dodges mean no Chi is used. Can be done up to twice a melee successfully (yes, a parried strike still counts as successfully).

MARTIAL ART TECHNIQUE: WEAPON GRASP: This training (combined with a bit of Body Hardening in the hands and forearms) allows a skilled Martial Artist to catch incoming weapon attacks! This includes blades (caught by catching the flat(s) of the blade, not actually catching the edge), staves, spears, polearms, and blunt weapons. This does not apply to thrown weapons or projectiles. To catch an incombing attack, the defender must roll a certain number higher then their attackers total strike roll (yes, your parry bonus counts in there). For Staves and blunt weapons, it's +3 (caught without receiving any damage). For Spears and Polearms, it's +4 (often caught by the shaft). For Bladed Weapons, it's +6 (this is very risky). Weapons surrounded by spikes or extra blades (like maces or morning stars) are +7 or even +8 (depends on weapon and GM's call). If the attack is under the requirement, but is still higher then the strike roll, then the weapon is essentially caught, but your hands, forearms, or whatever you caught the weapon with takes half damage (ouch). If it's equal to the strike roll, your hands/forearms take full damage (double ouch), and obviously if it's under, YOU take damage (and possibly your hands/forearms as well).

PSIONICS: (Note: All are Super psionics)


Range: 5ft. radius+1ft. every 2 levels.

ISP: ALL of the Psychics Availible ISP! The Psychic needs at least 160 ISP to use the Maelstrom, and must also be 4th Level or higher.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: 1D4 HP damage for every 10 HP/SDC a person that that is within range, minus ME/PE combined (So, if you had 23 HP and 40 SDC, and 12 ME, 14 PE, then damage would be 6D6-26, direct to HP) Plus the following. This only works on Supernatural/Magic Creatures and Humans, NOT ON MACHINES!

Saving Throw: Standard. If saved, nothing happens other then a dull headache.

The Maelstrom is a devestating Psionic Power. The Psionic unleashes a sudden burst of psychic energy, disrupting the minds of all those effected in a whirlwind of psychic power. In addition to the damage, theres a 40%+3% chance per level of the Psychic that that a person effected will pass out for 3D6 minutes. Psychics have a 7% chance of losing all their powers. The victims, AND the users, of the Maelstrom afterwards is terribly weakened, -3 Init, -3 to Parry and Dodge, -2 to Strike. Spd, PS, PE, and PP are reduced by half. These effects last 1D4 hours, and ARE CULMULIATIVE with each use of Maelstrom! Also, for every use of the Maelstrom, theres a 4D6% chance that the Psychic's head will explode violently, the % of that is ALSO culmuliative. Using Maelstrom more then 2 times in a single day requries a save. vs Insanity, or the user suffers a random insanity. Those effected by the Maelstrom also a 50% chance of other side effects (look on table below, does not change with Experience.).

1-40: No additional effects other then a pounding headache (-1 init).

41-50: Severely Rattled nerves. Some Shakiness. -2 init, -1 to strike, -1 to parry and dodge. -10% to all skills, -15% to skills involving hands on work.

51-53: Blind for 1D4 hours. (same as Bio Manip. Blindness)

54-57: Deaf for 1D4 hours. (Same as Bio Manip Blindness)

58-60: 1D4 limbs paralyzed (treat as broken bones under the optional rules in the books) for 1D4 hours.

61-70: Temporary Alignment Reversal. Good becomes Evil, Evil Becomes Good. Unprincipled becomes Anarchist, Anarchist becomes Unprincipled.

71-80: Mind Shock: The victim goes catatonic, losing total personality and awareness for 4D6 hours, effectively becoming a vegetable.

81-90: Total Body Paralysis for 1D4 hours.

91-99: Knocked unconscious and thrown 4D6ft. in a random direction, doing 2D6 SDC extra. If the victim ends up crashing into large, hard objects, they suffer 1D4X10 SDC.

00: INSTANT DEATH! The Victims head explodes, Heart Stops, whatever. The Victim is instantly dead beyond Conventional Help of Medicine. Magic still works though.


Range: 50ft.

ISP: 6 each.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: 1D6 SDC each. Up to 4 can be fired per volley, doing 4D6 SDC, but takes 2 attacks.

Saving Throw: Dodge.

This is a boomerang shaped object made of pure psionic energy. They are quick to create, somewhat cheap in ISP cost, and do decent damage per cutter. They can also be created fast enough to be put in a volley, allowing someone to be able to fire an 2-4 Energy Cutters at a target.


ISP: 30.

Range: 20ft.

Duration: Instant. Requires 3 attacks to create though.

Damage: Special. Psi Bullet does 2D6 SDC (ALWAYS SDC) on inanimate objects, but always penetrates SDC Armor, and has a 50% chance of penetrating MDC armor! Against people, shots do 2D6 SDC, and 1D8 HP against the wearer, going straight through them. Depending on where the Psi Bullet struck, it could have some complicted effects on the targets organs.


Range: Can be used up to 20ft away and effects a 15X15ft radius.

Duration: 1D4 melees.

Damage: 6D6 SDC/MDC every 15 seconds within the storm.

The psionic concentrates for 2 melee actions and then suddenly realeases his power in a storm of psionic energy. The Psionic storm effects a radius of 15ft and lasts 1D4 melees before dissapating.


ISP: Special.

Range: 200ft+30ft. per every 20 ISP the Psyschic had.

Duration: 6 months+2 months per level of EXP.

This is an extremely effective form of Advanced Exorcism that not only banishes the intended entity, but can totally DESTROY the entity as well, the only downside is that psionic always ends up DEAD. The psionic must focus for 1 minute+1D4 melees. Then the psionic's power suddenly bursts out in an ultimate vortex of power, but the psionic will be overwhelmed by the power and die, leaving no ashes or anything. The area is automaticlly exorcised, and there is a base 10% chance all entitys in the area will be destroyed totally. For every 20 ISP the psionic has, 7% is added to the base roll.

TRUMP CARD OR LAST RESORT MAGIC: This type of magic was originally created as sort of a last ditch attempt solution when the user was in trouble and had to find a quick way out. When the users of these spells (0r the targets of the spells who want to use them) are reduced to either no SDC and taking HP damage, or are reduced to 50% of their HP, these spells only take 1/2 PPE. These spells are hard to find and are considered sort of a lesser type of a Spell of Legend. Usually these spells are built into Magic Items and Weapons, but the PPE costs have been given incase a Mage wants to learn one of these spells for his own personal use.


Range: Self or others up to 5ft.+1ft. per level of EXP away.

PPE: 60 per use.

Duration: Once cast on someone, the spell remains for 2 melees (30 sec.)+1 melee (15 seconds) per level of EXP.

Damage: Special.

Saving Throw: Standard, but only if target wants to resist having it cast on him. Against someone using Renzokuken only save is parry or dodge, but a parry or dodge for EVERY strike has to be made. A weapon parrying a Renzokuken volley have a 8% chance per hit to shatter a weapon. Thus the 5 shot standard volley has a 32% chance of breaking the parrying weapon, plus 8% per extra hits (if any). Of course, this can work both ways. A being with superantural strength using Renzokuken has DOUBLE the % chance of breaking his or her own weapon.

Renzokuken gives a person superhuman speed, thus allowing them to attack with FIVE attacks at once, while only taking the time of 2 of his normal attacks! If the user has sustained damage down into HP, the user can accomplish an extra 1D4 attacks (total would be from 6-9). Once used, Renzokuken can only be cast on that same person after a period of 4D6 minutes. All strikes have a +1 to strike, with the opponent having -1 to parry or dodge. All strikes do normal damage except the last one, which does X2 damage if any of the first ones missed. If they all hit, the last strike does Triple Damage! The final strike can be replaced by a Rough Divide or Braver if that spell is cast ahead of time. Vampires and other supernatural creatures CANNOT Regenerate for a whole 1D8 hours!!! The Renzokuken spell is sometimes found in certain magic items.

(Note: Renzokuken only works with a HAND WEAPON. Of course, it also works with just punching and kicking, but the weapon shattering bonuses DO NOT apply. Renzokuken can be coupled with other spells, such as Ice Sword and Braver, to have an added effect.).


PPE: 1000!

Range: Can be cast up to 1ft.+1ft. per level away. The actual attack has a 1000ft. range and is 20ft. wide.

Duration: Instant once cast, the actual Blasting Zone manuver takes about a melee though.

Damage: 3D6X10 SDC/1D6X100 MDC in MD Enviorments! This spell CAN kill vampires utterly!

Save: Yeah, right. Try dodging instead!

This is a rather exspensive yet effective Spell. where the user points his weapon (Note: It has to be a HAND weapon, not a gun!) into the air and focuses energy for 10ft. in radius around the spell caster and into the air about 1000ft, where it straightens to form a giant Sword or Shaft made of Pure magic energy! Now the painful part: The weapon user brings the weapon down hard to point at the enemy, the beam follows in the falling motion and BAM! OR, the Magic User can simply point his weapon at someone and BAM, the Energy Shaft/Sword will shoot out and engulf anyone within path of fire. However, when using Blasting Zone, you cannot swing the weapon side to side or move it up as you release the spell (done to avoid munchy players destroying everything in a 1000ft cone). The magic user/weapon holder and anyone mostly behind him are unaffected(any closer and your toast as well). Blasting Zone forces extreme stress on the user, thus it can only be used by that person once ever 4D6 hours or they take 3D6 HP/SDC. After using Blasting Zone the user is -2 to parry, dodge, and strike, -1 init, and all skills are -5% for 2D6 hours. (Note: This spell is rarely, but sometimes, used in magic items(and I mean RARELY!).


PPE: 40

Range: Self or someone up to 5ft+1ft per level of EXP away.

Duration: Can be done for 1 minute(4 melees)+1 melee per level of spellcaster.

Damage: Normal blade damage X4. The defender is -2 to parry and -1 to dodge(note: In MD enviorments, Damage is ALWAYS in MDC). Also note that a successful parry against a Braver has a 35% chance of totally SHATTERING a conventional parrying weapon! Theres only a 15% chance with a Dwarven or Kobald made weapon. Supernatural beings CANNOT Regenerate for 1D4 hours after this.

Save: Dodge or Parry.

This spell enables a bladeuser to focus his inner strength (as well as some magic energy) to do a strike that does FOUR TIMES the normal amount of damage. A Rough Divide is when the attacker charges and brings his blade up the opponents chest. A Braver is the same thing, only the attacker brings the blade down as hard as he can down on top of the enemy in a crushing blow. This spell is often cast first, followed by Renzokuken. A Braver/Rough Divide both take 2 attacks by themselves. This magic is also sometimes found in certain magic items, much more commonly then either Renzokuken or Blasting Zone.


DEADLOCK: (4th Level Spell)

PPE: 30.

Duration: 5 minutes+15 seconds (1 melee) per level.

Damage: None. However, Rune Weapons get a standard save.

Save: None.

This spell is extremely effective against Magic Weapon toting munchkins. The spell works by "dead locking" the weapons magical power and abilities, rending the weapon's magical powers USELESS! Damage is reduced to a NORMAL weapon of that type and size would do. If the weapon was magically indestructable, guess what? It's breakable now! Note that Deadlock DOES work against Rune Weapons, reducing damage to normal weapon damage (always SDC) and resulting in loss of magic effects and abilities, but they are STILL unbreakable. Also note that if a magical weapon that becomes Deadlocked is of high quailty/Dwarven or Kobold made, then any bonuses from high quality are UNAFFECTED (duh).

DEMI: (13th Level Spell)

PPE: 100 against mortals. 200 against Supernatural creatures.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: Totally varies (see below)

Saving Throw: Standard. If succesful then Target only suffers 1/10 their damage max. Demi is a spell that actually causes space and time to distort and crush an opponent. The bigger the target, the more damage it causes. Translated to game rules this means that EVERY time Demi works, it does damage equal to 1/4 of their current SDC/MDC, AND 1/4 HP! However, that means if the enemy dosent have much SDC/MDC left, Demi won't be as useful. As such, Demi can only work until the target only has 1 point of damage (either external SDC and HP, or MDC) left. At that point the Gravity really won't have much of an effect in terms of damage. Beings used to extremely high gravity (10G's and up) suffer 1/4 damage. Also, Energy, Ectoplasmic, Liquid, and Gel-Like Beings are immune to Demi, and obviously those immune to magic as well.

ULTIMA FLARE: (11th level spell)

PPE: 200.

Range: Up to 20ft.+1ft. per level away. The blast itself has a 10ft. area of effect.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: 5D6 SDC. +1D6 SDC every level of EXP, if Saved against, 1/2 damage. Saving Throw: Standard-3, if Saved against then Ultima only does 1/4 damage.

Ultima Flare is a spell that uses the wild fury of magic to do damage to everyone within a 10X10ft radius with a centralized blast of dark magic.

ICE SWORD: (5th Level Spell, but also counts as a 3rd Level Water Warlock Spell.)

PPE: 15

Range: Can be cast up to 10ft+1ft. per level of EXP away.

Duration: 1 minute per level of EXP. The Ice Encasement lasts 4D6 minutes.

Damage: 4D6 SDC+1D6SDC every 2 levels and anything hit has a 50% of totally being incased in a 2D6 thick inch layer of ice for 1D6X10 minutes. Note that at Ley Lines, the chance of freezing increases to 65%, and at a Nexus, 80%. Touching the Ice Blade is not a suggested action, and anyone touching it will suffer 1D4 damage.

Saving Throw: Using a weapon to parry, or Dodge. Or if struck, standard, but the 50% chance of being incased in ice remains the same.p> No, this weapon doesn't make a blade out of ice. Instead, this spell infuses a weapon with the power of ice. The blade, spearhead, or whatever attacking piece on the weapon is (obviously) VERY cold to the touch (except to the caster), and glows a pale blush. This spell is useful for stopping enemies cold in their tracks (literally) by possibly incasing them in a block of ice, putting them into suspended animation while the caster can either escape or capture their victim. The ice layer can be broken, but one must be careful not to injure the frozen. If broken out, the formally frozen victim will regain consciousness with 1D4 minutes of shaking and shouting and such. OR, the rescuers/kidnappers could just leave the victim unconscious and not bother her, for 1D4 hours.

BLADE BEAM: (5th Level Spell)

PPE: 35

Range: Can be cast up to 10ft. away +1ft. per level. The beam itself is the size of the weapon it was fired from, and can be shot up to 40ft. away.

Duration: One time use only.

Damage: STANDARD Weapon Damage!

Saving Throw: Only if the target wants to resist. Against an approaching Blade Beam, the target can only Dodge or parry.

The caster takes a bladed weapon (most likely a sword) and charges it with magic energy. Then the blade user swings the blade, but from a distance, and the energy from the spell, in the shape of the swing (usually a C or sideways J shaped arc of energy) will fly out and strike an opponent. Blade Beam is 1 time only and needs to be recast in order to do it again. You need a WP with that weapon using Blade Beam, otherwise theres a -2 to strike with the beam.

WIND CUTTER: (3rd Level Spell, also counts as a 2nd Level Air Warlock spell)

Range: 15ft.+1ft. per level.

PPE: 5 per cutter.

Duration: Instant.

Damage: 1D6 SDC per cutter. The Caster can launch as many cutters as his Level of EXP, up to a total of 6 cutters, doing 6D6 SDC, but expending 30 PPE in the process. Wind Cutters IGNORE AR!

Saving Throw: Dodge or parry!

This simple, effective spell allows the caster to fire bursts of SHARP, Condensed Air Blades at an enemy! The best part of this spell is that the caster can launch multiple cutters in the same time it takes to cast and launch 1 cutter. While single cutters don't do much damage, groups can drive off more heavily armed troops. Wind Cutters have a +1 to strike, but CANNOT be directed at multiple troops unless unaimed cutters (NO Strike bonus or target) are being launched into a group of troops, at which hits are random and up to the GM. Note that once cutters hit a person, they instantly disappear, and DO NOT go through 2 or 3 people.

LASER GLARE: (4th Lv. Spell)

Range: Within Mages line of sight, and 8ft+2ft. per level.

PPE: 9.

Duration: Instant... not including the effects of a womans "Look" *shudder*...

Damage: 2D6 SDC+1D6 per levels. Nicking more then one person does 1/X damage. X being the number of people (So, if you nail 3 people with Laser eye, they all sustain 1/3 damage).

Saving Throw: Dodge!

Your basic energy beam blast emitting from the eyes attack. It can be used to melt things, blow things up, hurt people, and to impress your friends and brag you can shoot beams out of your eyes! In addition, if a woman, it's going to make any man fear "the look" of any girl for a very VERY long time. Note that if the Mage is blind, Laser Glare CANNOT be used. If the Mage only has 1 eye available, then it's 1/2 damage. If the mage happens to have multiple eyes, increase damage by X1.5 for each eye. You can nail, at most, 4 people with Laser Eye, resulting in 1/4 damage to all. This spell can only be used once every 1D4 melees, to avoid hurting your eyes due to the stress.

DARK MAGIC SPELLS: These are reserved for the Dark Elf RCC, but it's possible for other wizards to learn these as well. MDC worlds these spells do MDC instead of SDC.

DARK BOLT: Range: 200ft.

PPE: 30

Duration: Instant.

Damage: 1D4X10 SDC per blast, IGNORING armor.

Saving Throw: Dodge.

The Dark Mage fires a bolt of pure dark energy at a target.


Range: 20ft. long by up to 10ft. wide.

PPE: 150

Duration: Instant.

Damage: 3D6 SDC to a 50ft radius from the Caster, IGNORING armor. +1D6 damage every 2 levels.

Saving Throw: None.

An Area Effect version of Dark Bolt. While it lacks the damage of the Dark Bolt, it effects a larger area.


Range: Touch. Requires a strike roll.

PPE: 50

Damage: 4D6 SDC and 3D6 HIT POINT damage.

Duration: Instant, any lasting effects last 3D4 melees.

Saving Throw: Dodge (Parry will only hurt, if not maim, your arm.), and if failed, Standard save. If saved, then only normal punch damage is inflicted. Parrying this has a 35% chance of totally BREAKING a weapon, and SHATTERING a blade like glass! If you parry with your arm, depending on damage, either your arm's have got some severely shattered bones, or theres going to be one messy explosion as bits of your arm go everywhere. Dwarven and Kobald manufactured items only run a 15% risk, and Rune Blades and Indestructable weapons are unaffected. Critical strikes double the %.

The Casters hand is filled with Dark Energy as he strikes his opponent with his bare fist, doing heavy damage from just a mere punch. In addition, theres a 50% chance the victim will be dazed, with -3 Init, -2 to Parry and Dodge, -1 to Strike. Theres also a 25% chance of being knocked unconscious for 1D4 minutes.


Range: Can be cast up to 5ft. away, the cloud of darkness moves 4D6ft. in a random direction every melee.

PPE: 300

Damage: 4D6 HIT POINT damage, 1D4X10 SDC Damage per melee within the cloud. If HP are totally depleted then the victims flesh is stripped from his body, leaving nothing but charred bones (Translation: Death.)

Duration: 1 minute per level of the spellcaster.

Save: Standard, if save is made then victims take no direct HP damage and only 3D6 SDC.

The spell caster creates a swirling black cloud about 10X10ft. big, then lets it randomly go around the battlefield, painfully killing it's victims by stripping their flesh and leaving charred bones.


Range: Can be cast up to 25ft. away. The gust of Blade Wind covers a 20X20X20ft area.

PPE: 40

Damage: Each target is struck 1D6 times, for 1D8 damage each time.

Duration: Lasts 2 melees.

Save: None, other then escaping the radius of effect.

The Spellcaster calls up a strong wind, but just any wind. The air is sharp (literally) and the breeze is a burst of razor sharp blades. The Spellcaster is unaffected, but everyone else will take unsavable damage unless they escape the radius of effect.

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