The Miranda's main weakness is that so much speed means not much heavy armour is on the design, which means that the Miranda won't last too long in a firefight without it's Deflector Shield. It wasn't originally intended for an extended slugfest, but the Miranda's speed and armament along with it's deflector shield makes up for its lack of armour.
TYPE: Light Attack/Escort Cruiser.
CREW: 65 standard, 12 Bridge, 15 for the Engine systems, 20 for overall standard ship duties and for repairing and rearming Veritechs. 18 for the Weapon systens. Plus 20 Cyclone Riders and 10 Veritech Fighter Pilots.
**Reflex Engines (2): 550 each
***Bridge (located at the center of the main body, top level): 800
Docking Bay Doors (2): 250 each
Dual Laser Cannons (6): 200 each
LRM Launchers (3): 400 each
Light Deflector Shield: 1000
Guidance Thrusters (12, 8 on the main body, and 4 on the engines): 250 each.
*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will turn it into a torn up wreck. Life Support in that entire section will be shut down, the Deflector shield will be inoperable, and all weapon systems in that area will be useless. However the bridge can be sealed off from the rest of the ship and will retain life support. THe Bridge is equipped with an Emergency Generator that powers the bridge for 2 months.
**Destroying the Engine on one side will render Sublight impossible and speed will be reduced by 50%. Destroying both means engines are offline and the ship will have no propulsion except the guidance thusters.
***Depleting the M.D.C. of the Bridge will instantly kill the Bridge Officers and everyone else on the bridge. Life Support and power will be shut down. However, there is a second command in the lower decks of the saucer section.
Length: 385ft from the end of the engines to the front of main body.
Width: 246ft at the sides of both Reflex Engines.
Height: 95ft at the top of the Main Body.
Weight: 13,000 tons.
POWER SOURCE: Modified Advanced Reflex Furnace.
MAIN ENGINE: 2 Modified Reflex Heat Pile Systems.
SECONDARY THRUSTERS: 12 Guidance Thrusters.
1. DEFLECTOR SHIELD DEFENSE SYSTEM: The Deflector Shield is a new design of energy barrier, it is currently in the prototype stages, the only known systems is aboard the "Miranda". It was designed to counteract the awkwardness a Pin Point Barrier would have on the ship, and to help protect the "Miranda's" light armour. It provides 1000 M.D.C. of protection, and regenerates 1000 M.D.C. every 5 seconds (equal to three melee attacks). However, every time the Deflector is taken offline by enemy fire, there is a 7% cul. chance that the Deflector will go fully offline, requiring 4D6 melees to return online. If nessecary, extra power can be diverted to the shield, providing up to 1750 M.D.C. protection. HOWEVER, if the shield M.D.C. is raiser over 1350, 1/4 of the weapons cannot fire because 1) The Extra Power on that side of the shield stops objects on BOTH sides of it and 2) There's too much energy drain to fire every weapon on the ship. Under 1350 M.D.C. weapons can fire. The shield allows energy weapons and missiles OUT of the shield but not inside.
2. DUAL RAPID FIRE LASER CANNONS are across the ship at these points: 4 on the upper main body and 1 on each engine, they are placed so that they can cover as much of the ship as possible.
Primary Purpose: Assault
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Range: 4000ft in atmosphere, 8000ft in space.
Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 per cannon, for a total of 2D6x10 per dual blast.
Rate of Fire: 6 times per melee
Payload: Effectively Unlimited
Bonuses: +2 to strike
3. LONG RANGE MISSILE LAUNCHERS are placed on the top and bottom of the Saucer Section. Each LRM Launcher holds 12 of any type of Long-Range Missiles (most commonly Proton Torpedoes though).
Primary Purpose: Assault/Anti-Warship
Secondary Purpose: Defense
Range: Varies with missile type.
Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type.
Rate of Fire: 1-12 at a time.
Payload: 12. Of course, there's always extra missles onboard the ship for lengthy fire fights.
MICRO-FOLD DRIVE: This was designed with the Miranda's hit and run aspect design in mind. It allows the cruise to fold for one hour of constant use, enabling it to make small leaps of about 10 light years distance. HOWEVER, after 1 hour, it needs 12 hours to recharge. Plus after 30 min of constant fold, there's a 25% chance that the fold drive will overload and short out, needing 2D6x10 hours of work to get back online. The fold drive only transports the ship, it does not take anything withing a proximity area.
EVASIVE THRUSTERS: The secondary thrusters across the ship allow it to move out of the way of deadly laser volleys, and even major weapons like a Reflex Cannon. All they need to do is make a dodge roll with a +3 bonus. This does not enable them to avoid fire from mecha or small attack craft, and it doesn't let them evade missile volleys.
MECHA COMPLEMENT: The Miranda carries 10 Veritechs of any typer (Usualy VAF-6 Alpha Fighters or VBF-1 Betas), the Miranda carriers extra missiles and ammo for the fighters as well.