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Here are some misc. weapons I've designed. They aren't for any particuler Palladium Game, although they will probably be most often used in PFRPG. Just don't forget to convert any Rune weaponry to MDC if in Rifts!

1:WARP BLADES: These weapons take the form of 2 Wrist Bands about 4 inches long that go just under the hand. On top of each one is an area with a slit about 2 inches long. At the will of the user (who simply tightens his wrist muscles) 2 Bluish energy blades about 1.5ft. long will spring out from the slits. These blades are NOT psionic in origin, but they draw energy from a jewel known as a Warp Crystal that's imbedded inside the wrist bands. The Warp Crystal contains high (almost unlimited) amounts of an unknown type of energy that can damage normally almost invincible supernatural creatures, including vampires. Unfortunetly, finding Warp Crystals is a severe pain in the ass! But for mysterious reasons raw Warp Crystals are often found near Nexus points where heavy Ley Line Storms are frequent. The best chance of finding Warp Crystals is at Mega-Nexus points, where they can be found in somewhat large quanities. Warp Blades are created by Alchemists. However, the art of making Warp Blades is EXTREMELY rare, and only about 5 Alchemists worldwide would probably know how to create and repair Warp Blades.

Length: 1.5ft./18in. at full extension.

Damage: Each blade does 5D6 SDC per blade. The blades do double damage against supernatural creatures (such as Vampires). A successful strike from a Warp Blade also makes the hit target unable to Bio Regenerate for 1D6 hours.

Number of Attacks: Equal to users hand to hand.

Payload: The Warp Crystal (which is in an oval shape about 1 inch long) contains almost infinate power and lasts years. (estimate 200 years of constant use)

Market Cost: In PF, the cost for a pair of Warp Blades is pretty high, about as high as a Rune Weapon.

2:IMPERIAL RUNEFANG: (Greater Rune weapon) The Imperial Runefangs are a set of 12 Greater Rune swords, each one just as powerful as the other. In the Warhammer world (it's a tabletop battlegame in case you didn't not know), when the Empire was founded, the Emporer Sigmar received 12 Rune weapons from the Dwarven Runesmith Alaric the Mad as payment for Sigmar's help in reclaiming the Dwarf hold of Zhufbar from marauding Orcs. He gave 1 Runefang each to 12 nobles, and they were passed down to the current Elector Courts of the Empire. They pack a wallop against anything. But they work best against the undead and supernatural, as they do Triple the Damage!. Runefangs are very rare to say the least.

Length: A total of about 3 1/3ft.

Damage: 5D6 SDC, TRIPLE damage against the undead, DOUBLE damage against supernatural.

Special Abilities: The 8 normal abilities of a Rune weapon (IQ is 17, with varying alignments), plus it can cast 6 Wizard spells (See the Invisible, Turn Dead, Sense Evil, Sense Magic, Firebolt, Globe of Daylight, 3X a day).

Market Cost: In Palladium Fantasy they would cost would be about 60,000,000 gold or so. In Rifts the Runefangs would bag about 200 million to 800 million credits.

3:DIRESWORD:A Diresword is a rare, usally ornamated sword with a large, bluish jewel with swirling energy inside in the hilt. The blade is made of Wraithbone, a rare substance that has unusual supernatural properties. The jewel in truth actually holds the soul of some person, usally a hero or someone dear to the original creator of the Diresword. The spirit actually focuses energy through the Diresword to help do extra damage against Demons or the Supernatural. Direswords are incredibily hard to find in the Palladium World, and usually run ridiculous prices.

Length: 3-6ft.

Damage: 4D6 SDC (MDC in Rifts and MDC enviorments.). Does X2 to the Supernatural and Creatures of magic due to the Spirit inside the Diresword. In the case of an opponent wearing armor, there is a 20% chance of the spirit inside the Diresword to go straight through the armor. Theres also a 20% chance that a direct hit against an SDC being will bypass SDC and deal 4D6 SDC directly to Hit Points! Against Demons or the Supernatural, there is a 2D6% chance of killing the demon in one hit per strike!

Number of Attacks: Equal to users Hand to Hand.

Price: In PF, the cost is in the millions. Direswords are pretty rare.

4:REPEATER CROSSBOW: This looks like an average crossbow, except for 2 things: Shortened Length, and a Magazine of small bolts in place of the standard arrow. While a Repeater Crossbow sounds like a primitive weapon, it is more deadly then one might think. It can fire up to 5 bolts were attack in rapid succession. The bolts are either normal or High Explosive (the latter is rarer). The only disadvantage of the Repeater Crossbow is that it tends to jam after constant bursts of fire or rough conditions. This weapon is a favorite of the Dark Elves (See Misc Races).

Weight: 4 lbs.

Length: 2.75ft.

Damage: Normal bolt SINGLE SHOT does 1D6 SDC. High Explosive does 1D4 MDC/3D6 SDC. Venom tipped bolts do 1D6 (1D4 in a burst) SDC plus victim must make a save vs poison or take poison damage (varies with poison). A burst with normal or venom tipped bolts does 1D4xN(N equals the number of bolts shot, 1 to 4). If the Crossbow fires 4 bolts bursts 3 times in a row, or is exposed to rough treatment (such as in a battlefield, or dropped alot), theres a 25% chance of the Crossbow jamming, which requires 1D4 actions to get unjammed.

Rate of Fire: Up to 4 bolts per attack, 3 bursts per melee.

Payload: Each Magazine contains 20 bolts. The Crossbow is designed sort of like a gun in terms of the user can simply pull out the current clip and click in a new one at the same pace of reloading a gun clip. If the situtaion demands hand loading, it takes a melee to reload the magazine by hand, or an action to just load one bolt and cock it into place.

Market Cost: 2,750 credits. About 700 gold In PF because its a hard to make weapon.

5:BUSTER SWORD: (Final Fantasy conversion) This is a sword with a 8 inch long handle and a way oversized blade 5.5ft. long, nearly a foot wide. This sword is the first sword Cloud Strife used in Final Fantasy VII. It's surprisingingly light for it's size, yet very sharp. While it looks hard to use, A beginner with some practice can twirl it around like it was just a wood stick. While light, it still requires 2 hands to use properly. Also, Buster Swords are typically made with magic powers built in.

Length: Overall 6ft. 2 inches long.

Weight: 8lbs. (looks 16-20lbs though)

Damage: 3D6 SDC (3D8+4 MDC in Rifts) per slash.

Bonuses: +2 to parry and +1 to strike.

Market Cost: 350 Gold average in PF.

6: ELVEN LONGBOW: I figured it was traditional that Elves made the best Bows, so why not make a special Bow of their own? The Elven Longbow is a well crafted, hard to make, very accurate and yet surprisingly light Longbow. Elven Bows are made of not only flexible and strong wood, but SOMETIMES they also have very lightweight metal components in them too. The construction allows for the ability to shoot arrows either incredibly far, with incredible power, or both! While powerful, the Elven Longbow is NOT Magical in Nature!

Weight: 1-3lbs.

Length: 4-6ft. high.

Range: Base is 1200ft. It costs 100% more to add an additional 100ft. The Maximum is 1800ft.

Damage: Base Damage is 2D8 SDC with normal Arrows. It costs 75% of the price of the bow for every +1 To Damage. The maxinum is +8 to Damage.

Market Cost: 1500-3000 Gold per Longbow! It's alot extra if extra range or damage needs to be added.

7: AMAGETSU/MYUGETSU: (Greater Rune Daisho): Amagetsu is a Rune Katana, with a Bluish tint, about the standard size of a conventional Samurai Katana. Myugetsu is a Rune Wakizashi (Short Sword), with a Reddish tint. They basically your average Greater Rune Weapons.

Weight: About 1-2lbs each. Amagetsu, being a Katana, is slightly heavier then Myugetsu.

Length: Katana is 31in. Wakizashi is 18in. p> Damage: 1D4X10 SDC per slash/4D6 per slash.

Special Abilities: The Usual Runeblade Abilities (IQ 19 each, with Principled Alignments). When used TOGETHER, both blades have +2 to Strike, +3 to Parry.

Market Cost: A little bit more then the Imperial Runefangs. Both Blades together would be about twice as much as a Runefang.

8: MAGE MASHER: (Final Fantasy conversion) The Mage Masher is 1 amongst several special magic knives that inflict some nasty little effect upon being hit by it. In the case of the Mage Masher, it gets it's name because whoever it hits usually ends up mute! This applies more so for Mages, and other men of magic who are more vulnerable to the Mage Masher's effect. Mage Mashers typically appear as somewhat curved daggers, often looking really exotic or fancy. While at other times, they are rather plain looking. Either way, Mage Mashers are kind of rare, and are only sold by a few alchemists worldwide (usually around the Eastern Territory and Timoro, but it's also a hot item in the Western Empire). The Mage Masher is your average (or Dwarven, Jotan, Kobold, etc) Dagger, except with every strike, a save vs. Magic must be made (for Wizards, Necromancers, and other Magic OCCs, it's is -3), or they will be mute (unable to talk, at all) for 2D4 minutes. Every additional strike DOES have a cumulative effect. In addition, the Silence also causes a mage or ANY Magic caster to be unable to cast spells! The penalty to save can be increased for 3000 gold per -1 to save. The base cost (the price WITHOUT any save modifiers added in) costs about 14,000-17,000 gold base, sometimes more. Uncommon, but becoming more popular.

9: BLIND KNIFE: (Final Fantasy Conversion) The Blind Knife is a magic item similar to the Mage Masher, as it also comes with an added effect. As the name applies, the Blind Knife causes blindness to it's opponent. It's basically identical to any other knife or dagger, but for every strike, the target must make a save vs magic or become blind for 2D4 minutes. For every additional strike, there IS an culmulative effect. This weapon is becoming an increasingly popular weapon, amongst (of course), the Western Empire thieves and assassains. Cost is 10,000-13,000 Gold.

10: MURAMASA (FFT conversion) The Muramasa is a type of magical Katana, with a blood red blade, and an extremely sharp edge. Usually highly decorated, they all share one characteristic: They all have the peculiar ability to drain the blood that they draw, like a vampire.

Length: Varies, on average the blade length is 29-33in.

Damage: Average is 2D6+4 SDC, varies with original blade quality. In addition, for every cut/stab/slash the sword makes, the wounded person LOSES a large portion of their blood, which is drained and absorbed into the blade, and also leaves a very bleeding wound. 3 strikes in one battle means that the victim also starts to suffer 1D4 HP damage per STRIKE, and another 1D6 damage per minute due to blood loss! The victim must make a save vs. bloodloss every melee or pass out from blood loss and agonizing pain. If the blade is left inside an opponent, he will end up suffering 3D4 HP damage per melee, be in alot of agony unless he passes out, and will probably be dead within a few melees, If not sooner.

Number of Attacks: As per hand to hand. The Blood drain is automatic and comes free with every strike.

Cost: On average, a cool 40,000 gold. May be more or less depending on region of purchase (normal price or cheaper in the Western Empire, more exspensive or normal price in less...corrupt and backstabbing, places.).

