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Renmazuo is an Ethos Gear originally created to kill off large Reapers/Wels. While looking like the average Etone Gear, mainly blue with some greyish trim, it's actually Solarian in origin, being created in Solaris and shipped to The Ethos Headquarters in the Aquavy Islands. Renmazuo is Blue and Silver, and it's main armarments are 3 types of Guns. In addition, it's Ether Abilities are above normal, although not up to par with Vierges.


Pilot: 1 (Billy Lee Black).

Builder: Ethos/Solaris.

Gear Type: Ethos Etone Use Reaper Extermination Gear.


Head: 40.

Arms: 135 each

Arm Gun: 50.

Ether Hand Gun: 50

Vulcan Gun: 75

Hands: 45 each

Legs: 185 each

*Upper Torso: 350

*Lower Torso: 250

Vernier Thrusters : 200.

Cape: 5

Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 300

*:Destruction of the Upper Torso means the Vernier Thruster, Arms, Head, and all guns are offline.Destruction of the Lower Torso means the legs are offline.


Height: 15.9 Sharl (15.423m)

Dry Weight: 11.6 Karn (12.528 tons)

Loaded Weight: 16.1 Karn (17.338 tons)


Battery Life: 7.595 Hours of constant use.

Ether Amplification: X4.

Ether Defense: 50%.

Land Range: 2,521.54 Repsol (2,474.1895MI/2372.2223KM)

Flying Range: 470,440 Repsol (3,846.108MI/6188.406KM)

Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 50.


Ground, Running: Up to 322 Repsol (194.1MPH/312.34KPH)

Non Thruster Leap: 80ft.

Thruster Assisted Leap: Up to 500ft.

Flying: From a stay in place hover up to 840 Repsol (506.4MPH/814.8KPH). But full speed flight can only be kept up for 2D6X10 minutes before the engines overheat and landing will be nessicary. Crusing speed is around 100-300KPH.


1: LARGE CALIBER VULCAN CANNON: The Biggest gun on Renmazuo would be a large caliber Vulcan Cannon mounted on it's right wrist.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Range: 2000ft.

Damage: Short Burst 1D4X10 MDC. Long Burst 1D8X10 MDC. Full Melee Burst 2D6X10+20 MDC.

Rate of Fire: 6 Short Burst, 3 Long Bursts, or 1 Full Melee Burst per Melee.

Payload: Enough for 5 Full Bursts, 10 Long Bursts, or 20 Short Bursts.

2: ETHER HANDGUN: Mounted in the Left Wrist is a gun that fires Ether blasts. Since this is Magic/Ether related in terms of ammunition, it requires no ammo. However, Ether blasts dissipate and are only half the range of standard ammunition based guns. Also, many Gears are resistant to Ether bullets. However, a nice fact about Ether Handguns are that they can be calibrated to an Element to Inflict Elemental Damage (Fire, Water, Wind, or Earth), and if the target is vulnerable to that element, they take extra damage.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Range: 1000ft.

Damage: 1D6X10 per shot. That is with all Ether Handguns (Fire, Water, Wind, Earth,).

Rate of Fire: 4 Shots per Melee.

Payload: Unlimited as long as Renmazuo is still online.

3:GEAR HANDGUN: Renmazuo's standard weapon.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Range: 2000ft.

Damage: 1D4X10 MDC per shot. Burst fire is only capable of a 2 shot burst does 2D4X10 MDC, but takes 2 attacks.

Rate of Fire: Up to 9 shots per melee (as fast as user can pull the trigger).

Payload: 100 rounds.

4: HAND TO HAND: Use Rifts Robot Combat, Robotech Mecha Combat (Any Veritech or Gladiator Destroid,), or Macross II Valkyrie Combat. While Renmazuo excels in Gun Combat, it's still quite capable in hand to hand combat.

Restrained Punch: 1D4 MDC.

Normal Strength Punch: 3D6 MDC.

Full Strength Punch: 5D6 MDC.

Power Punch (requires 2 attacks): 1D4X10+4 MDC.

Restrained Kick/Knee: 1D6 MDC.

Kick: 3D6 MDC.

Full Strength Kick: 1D4X10+6 MDC.

Flying/Jump Kick (takes all attacks): 2D4X10 MDC.

Thruster Punch/Kick (takes all attacks): 1D4X10+10 MDC.

Body Blow: 2D6 MDC plus a 60% chance of knocking the target down, causing loss of init. and 2 attacks.

Body Tackle: 1D6 MDC and a 80% chance of knocking and pinning the target down, meaning loss of attacks and init until targets gets out from under Renmazuo.

Stomp: 1D6 MDC (Can only be done to Targets under 14ft. tall).

SYSTEM BONUSES: Renmazuo has exceptional targeting systems and has some good agility to go with it. +1 Attack, +1 to Strike (+3 with Long Range shots), +2 to Parry, and +1 to Dodge.

