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Element: Fire

Attribute and Symbol: Virture

Conditions to use the Armor of Wildfire: Must at least be Unprinicpled if not more good in alingment. And unless chosen by Destiny (in other words, even if you dont have the PPE needed, you can automaticlly use the armor and you have the PPE needed to run the armor plus your normal PPE while inside the armor, its GMs decision), it requires AT LEAST 80 PPE.

Undersuit: (note: Undersuit weighs 7 lbs, but feels only 3lbs)

Main Body: 80

Forearm Shields: 100

Legs: 70

Upper Arms: 50

Upper Legs: 50

Armor of Wildfire: (Note: Weighs 18lbs, but feels weightless with the undersuit)

Main Body (front and back plates): 300

Shoulder Plates: 180

Leg Plates: 180

Forearm Shields: 400

Helmet: 50

Hands: 20

Upper Legs: 50

Upper Arms: 50

Katana Blades: Indestructable (aka unlimited MDC)


1:KATANA BLADES OF WILDFIRE: These blades are ancient and powerful. They are practicaly indestructable and both can hook together at the end of their handles to form one large twin blade.

Length: each is 5ft long.

Damage: 4D6 each to those not in the armor. Those WITH the armor enable the blades to do 4D6 MDC each. A Power Slash (slashing in a powerful arc with all of the wearers might) do 1D4X10 MDC, but it takes 2 attacks and can only be done once per melee with each blade. Both blades combined do 2D4X10 due to the weight and power behind both blades. A power slash with combined blades does 4D4X10 and still takes 2 attacks.

MDC of each blade: Unlimited, they are indestructable.

Number of Attacks per melee: As many as users number of attacks (note: users of the blades are +2 to Strike with them in the Armor of Wildfire)

2: FLARE UP NOW: This is the Armor of Wildfires Super Attack. It's a super powerful strike using the blades combined at the handle in a super powerful charged up arc of death that does damage easily beyond the blades reach. The Attacker needs to shout out "FLARE UP NOW!" around or before he makes the super slash. The attack can also be used as a defensive tool and can summon up a fire field around the wearer.

Version 1: The Offensive version.

Damage: Normal super strike can do 4D6X10 MDC. An extra powerful super strike can do 1D6X100.

Range: The Energy from the slash can reach up to 350ft long and 30ft wide. An extra powerful strike can do DOUBLE that range.

Version 2: Defensive use. The wearer shouts out "Flare Up Now!" and the Armor is suddenly surrounded by a field of fire and heat. Anyone or anything 3ft close to the field (the actual field itself is 6 inches to 1ft thick) will suffer 1D6X10 MDC damage every melee they are in the field or close to it.. It also makes the armor temporarily totally immune to any type of fire (that includes nuclear and plasma). The field can be held for up to 1 minute (4 melees)

Number of Attacks per melee: The normal super strike can be done once every 5 minutes (20 melees), but the extra powerful super strike can only be done once per week.(ALOT of Melees). The energy field can be done every 2 minutes (8 melees).

PPE Required: 20 for normal Super Strike, 120 for the extra powerful super strike, and 10 for the Fire Field.

3: ARMOR HEAT RESISTANCE: Due to the fact the armors natural element is Wildfire, the armor has a natural resistance to high intensity heat. It can withstand ANY degree or normal heat and fire. It will only take 1/4 normal damage from PLASMA Fire and 1/2 damage from NUCLEAR fire. Against magma/lava the armor is totally immune. Pretty much any type of natural high intensity heat and fire has no effect.


+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

+3 to Parry and Dodge

+2 to Strike

Restrained Punch: 1D4

Normal Punch: 1D6

Power Punch: 3D6 but takes 2 attacks

Kick: 1D6

Flying Kick (takes 2 attacks): 3D6

Roundhouse Kick: 1D10

Stab with Helmet Horns: 2D6 SDC

PS with Armor on is equal to 100 (can lift 5 tons and carry 2 and 1/2 tons)

With just Undersuit add +35 SDC to all hits and PS is equal to 50. (Can lift 2 and 1/2 tons and carry 1 and 1/2 tons)

Note: Within the Armors natural enviorment (Fire and heat, as the armors name suggest) It does DOUBLE DAMAGE with every attack. It can also lift twice as much and bonuses are doubled. MDC is automaticlly brought up to full once its exposed to a hot heat and fire source such as lava, and in the fire and heat it renews to full every 10 minutes. Flare Up Now will only require a 1 MINUTE recharge time for both versions.(Being near or at the heat source must mean the wearer must be directly IN the heat source, wether it be magma, molten steel, or whatever, or at least 10ft close to it). When the armor is at Total Power near a heat source, the Armor will have a small fire field reaching out 1 ft; doing 4D6 MDC damage to anything that comes on contact with it. Unfortunetly that means that the armor can't touch ANYTHING except his swords unless he wants it burn't to a crisp. Note: The armor will still work in water just fine, but the Flare attack will be useless.

