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Element: Water

Attribute and Symbol: Trust Conditions to use the Armor of Torrent: ust at least be Unprinicpled if not more good in alingment. And unless chosen by Destiny (in other words, even if you dont have the PPE needed, you can automaticlly use the armor and you have the PPE needed to run the armor plus your normal PPE while inside the armor, its GMs decision), it requires AT LEAST 80 PPE.

Undersuit: (note: Undersuit weighs 7 lbs, but feels only 3lbs)

Main Body: 80

Forearm Shields: 100

Legs: 70

Upper Arms: 50

Upper Legs: 50

Armor of the Torrent:(Note: Weighs 18lbs, but feels weightless with the undersuit)

Main Body (front and back plates): 300

Shoulder Plates: 200

Leg Plates: 180

Forearm Shields: 400

Helmet: 50

Hands: 20

Upper Legs: 50

Upper Arms: 50

Trident of Torrent: Indestructable

Catclaw (on the left forearm): 50


1: TRIDENT OF TORRENT: This ancient and sturdy weapon is the principal weapon of the Armor of Torrent. It can be used as a staff (its 7ft long), or stabbing weapon with the sharp end. The sharp pointers on the business end can close and open like pinchers, so it can be used to reach far away objects. It has a sharp point between the "pincher" blades that can be used for stabbing as well.

Range: Arm reach plus 7ft.

Damage: Without armor it does 4D6+8 SDC, but with the Armor of Torrent, it can do: 5D10+3 MDC from a stab with all 3 points on the business end. pinching with the 2 curved blades does 2D8+4 MDC, stabbing with just the center blade can do 1D6+4 MDC. Grabbing an opponent with the curved blades and slamming him against the ground does 1D6 MDC, slamming against a wall also does 1D6 MDC. A Super Strike (nailing someone with the staff with all his power) does 2D6X10+10 MDC. The staff part itself does 2D6 SDC.

Number of Attacks: Equal to users number of attacks

Bonuses: +1 to strike while in the armor of the Torrent.

2: SUPER WAVE SMASHER: The user of the Armor of Torrent and the Trident can charge the Trident up with powerful water energy that can be released (powerful enough that it CAN do MDC damage). The user must shout "SUPER WAVE SMASHER!" before or during the time he powers up the Trident, which takes 3 attacks.

Range: The blast reaches up to 200ft. It is 5ft wide. Underwater it reaches 1000ft in a 90 angle in front of the user.

Damage: 4D6X10 per blast. Underwater targets are blow back 1D4X100ft.

Number of Attacks: Once every 5 Minutes. It takes 3 melees to charge up the Trident.

PPE required: 20

3: COMMUNICATE WITH MARINE LIFE: The armor has a 98% ability to communicate with any marine life, whatever it may be, even alien fish.

4: BONUSES UNDERWATER: The User of the Armor can stay underwater indefinetly, and is immune to poison and any damaging substance requiring direct contact to the skin underwater. Water is the armors natural enviorment. Thus underwater the users bonuses are doubled, as is damage with all weapons and strength. Swimming speed is 30 MPH. MDC of the armor is automaticlly restored once the armor is submerged and renews back to full MDC every 10 minutes while in water. The recharge rate for Super Wave Smasher is reduced to 1 minute.


+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

+3 to Parry and Dodge

+2 to Strike

Restrained Punch: 1D4

Normal Punch: 1D6

Power Punch: 3D6 but takes 2 attacks

Kick: 1D6

Flying Kick (takes 2 attacks): 3D6

Roundhouse Kick: 1D10

Stab with Helmet Horn: 1D4 SDC

PS with Armor on is equal to 100 (can lift 5 tons and carry 2 and 1/2 tons)

Cat Claw (located on the right forearm): 1D8 MDC per slash while the claw is connected to the armor. Does 2D6 SDC when it isn't.

