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High Templars are seasoned Veterans and often in the higher ranks of the Templar Caste. Instead of being excellent warriors like the Zealots, High Templars use their extensive psionic powers to dish out severe damage in battle. In times of great need, 2 High Templar can actually merge and become one incredibly powerful psionic entity: The Archon. Note: High Templar are always well learned, despite the fact they have concentrated heavily to get their powers to the max of their potential.

PROTOSS HIGH TEMPLAR OCC Attribute Requirements: ME of 14 or more required.

Skills: Basic Math. (+20%)

Advanced Math. Speaks Protoss at 98% and another language at +20%) Literacy: Protoss (+30%)

Hand to Hand: Basic.*

*: Can be changed to Hand to Hand: Expert at the cost of one other skill or one psionic power, players choice.

Other Skills: Select 14 other skills.

Communications: Any (+5%)

Domestic: Any

Electricial: Basic Electronics Only

Espionage: Any (+10%)

Mechanicial: None.

Medical: Any (+5%)

Physical: Any except Acrobatics, Boxing, Gymnastics, SCUBA, and Wrestling.

Pilot Skills: Any except Robots/PA.

Pilot Related Skills: Any.

Rogue: None.

Science: Any (+15%)

Technical: Any except Computer Programming. (+10%) WPs: Any except Heavy, Heavy Energy weapons, and WP Semi and Full automatic weapons.

Secondary Skills: Choose any 5 from the above list, without bonus.


1:PSIONIC STORM: A psionic power that costs 65 ISP. The psionic concentrates for 2 melee actions and then suddenly realeases his power in a storm of psionic energy. The spell does 6D6X2 SDC/MDC per 15 seconds within the fury of the storm. The Psionic storm effects a radius of 15ft and lasts 1D4 melees before disappearing.

2: AREA HALLUCINATION: One of the High Templars more useful spells is the ability to make everyone (or select people) in a specific radius to see somthing thats not really there. For Example, the Templar could make anyone he wants in a certain radius from him to see 10 Garfish, yet in truth theres only 1-3. The High Templar can exclude as many people as he wants from the Hallucination as he chooses (such as his allies). Saving throw is the same as the normal spell version of Hallucination. A succesful save means that that person does not see the Hallucination. Hallucination costs 60 ISP and effects a range of 20ft.+5ft. per level of EXP.

OTHER PSIONICS: (excluding the ones only the High Templar has, and the ones that all Protoss have.) Mind Bolt, Total Recall, Astral Projection, and Empathy. The High Templar can also choose 2 powers from any category at levels 2, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, and 15.

OCC BONUSES: +1D8X10 ISP, +6 Save vs. Psionics (applies only against attacking Protoss.), +1 to Inititive, HF of 8 to anyone who knows about the High Templar, +2D6 SDC.
EQUIPMENT: Templar Psionic Suit (40 MDC) with Light Psionic Plasma Shield Amplifier (upgrades normal Psi Plasma Shield to 40 MDC.), Khaydrian Crystal Amulet (increases ISP max by 1D6X10 when worn,), and Protoss style Robes and belt.
HIGH TEMPLAR ARCHON WARP: In times of great need 2 High Templar can actually merge, letting go of their physical bodies and joinging their powers togeter to form an Archon, a being of pure psionic power. The Archon, being a pure psionic entity, has unlimited ISP, and is equipped with a very very powerful Psionic plasma shield. Unfortunetly The Archon will dissipate after 1D6X10 minutes, both Templar that sacrificed themselves will cease to exist.

Archon Stats: IQ, ME, and MA: Equal to that of bothHigh Templars combined. Cannot be higher then 30.

PS: N/A, The Archon is not a physical body and thus cannot lift or carry anything.

PP: 2D6

PE: N/A, The Archon has no physical body.

PB: 2D6.

Spd: 3D6.

HP: 2D6.

SDC: None.

Psionic Plasma Shield: 2D6X10+200 SDC/MDC.

Psionics: Psionic Shockwave is the Archons only form of attack. It is a powerful psionic bolt that does 2D6X10+10 MDC per shot. Can be done 4 times a melee and has a 50ft. range. Unlimited due to the fact the Archon has unlimited ISP.

