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Note: The concept for this ship was by Usagi/Jimi. Stats made by HBK (Me), and Jimi.

The Valiant Class Medium Assault Cruisers, designed to have a strong striking force but to also be sleek and fast it has given up some non-essential living comforts such as proper dinning halls or bedding.

Also designed to carry a small cargo load is has a small number of mecha aboard, from 2-5.

Despite it's small size, just over 300ft in length, it is a force to be reckoned with. It has been outfitted with medium armour, 6 dual laser turrets, 4 LRM launchers, 2 Tri-Laser turrets, and 1 Main Laser Cannon (mounted direcly in the front center of the ship).

Though it is a heavily armed and medium armoured, the Valiant Class Cruisers are small and extreamly agile, giving ut a bonus of +2 to dodge, making it very lethal indeed. Also because of the high powered engines it can reach .20 sublight with a normal speed of Mach 18.NOTE: The Valiant resembles the USS Defiant from Star Trek: DS9.

Crew: 40; 10 Bridge Officers, 8 Engineers, 12 Weapon Operators, 10 for various ship duties.

Troops: 2-5 Veritech and/or Destroid Pilots, 10 Cyclone Riders, 20 various O.C.C.s.


*Main Body: 3400

Tri-Laser Turrets(2): 300 each.

Dual Laser Turrets(6): 200 each.

**Engine Sections (2, located on each side of the main body): 800 each.

Long Range Missile Launchers(4): 400 each

Docking Bay Door: 250.

***Bridge: 800

Guidance Thrusters(10): 250 each.

Main Laser Cannon: 550 each.

****Medium Deflector Shield: 1500.

*Depleting the M.D.C. of the Main Body will cause the Valaint to be a trashed up wreck. The backup command center will be destroyed, life support will be down, and power will be down. However, the bridge can be sealed off from the rest of the ship and won't be affected due to backup life support and a power generator.

**Destruction of 1 of the engine sections will cause max. speed to be reduced speed to be reduced by 50%, destruction of both thrusters will leave the ship adrift in space.

***Destruction of the Bridge will instantly kill the Bridge Crew, Long range radar will be down. However, there is a backup command center inside the ship so Long Range Communications and helm control of the ship will still be functional.

****The Deflector shield continualy renews itself; see description. The shield will be useless if the main body is destroyed.


Length: 300ft.

Height: 50ft.

Width: 200ft

Weight: 18,200 tons

TOP SPEED: Mach 18 normal, .20 Sublight, the Valiant cannot Fold.

PLANET BOUND: Can manage Mach 1 in the Atmosphere.

POWER SOURCE: Advanced Reflex Furance.

MAIN ENGINE: 2 Reflex Heat Pile Systems.

SECONDARY ENGINE: 10 Guidance Thrusters.


1. MAIN LASER CANNON: This is the main weapon of the Valiant Class Cruiser. It is a powerful Laser beam that can cause significant damage to even Command Ships (as in make large holes in the hull). Due to the energy required to fire the beam it has a rather slow rate of fire, which is its only disadvantage.

Range: 10,000ft.

Mega-Damage: 1D6x100.

Rate of Fire: Twice per melee.

Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

2: TRI-LASER TURRENTS (2) are mounted at the top and bottom at the center of the main body.

Range: 8000ft.

Mega-Damage: 4D6x10 MDC.

Rate of Fire: 4 times per melee.

Payload: Effevtively Unlimited.

3: DUAL LASERS (6) scattered across the ship at strategic points.

Range: 8000ft.

Mega-Damage: 1D6x10 per dual blast.

Rate of Fire: Six per melee.

Payload: Effectively Unlimited.

4. LONG RANGE MISSILE LAUNCHERS are mounted in the front of the hull. They most commonly hold Proton Torpedoes, Reflex Multi-Warhead are only available in small numbers, about 2 to a launcher.

Range: Varies with missile type, but commonly 1200 to 1800 for Proton Torpedoes and Reflex Multi-Warhead respectively.

Mega-Damage: Varies with missile type. But 4D6x10 for Proton Torpedoes and Reflex Multi-Warhead.

Rate of Fire: 1 Volley of 2 to 12 missiles per melee.

Payload: 12 LRMs per launcher.

5. MEDIUM DEFLECTOR SHIELD: The Medium Deflector shield is a new, more powerful design of the Light Deflector used on the Miranda Class Light Attack Cruise. It was designed to complement the Valiants Medium armour in a firefight. It regenerates to full M.D.C. every 5 seconds. Thus if the shield took 500 M.D.C., it is restored to full 1500 M.D.C. 4 seconds later. If completely destroyed, the shield will rematerialize in 1 melee, an unfortunate bug.

Primary Purpose: Defense. The Deflector shield cannot be used as a weapon.

Range: 10ft-40ft. from the vessel. Completely surrounds the ship.

Mega-Damage: Inflicts none, but can sustain 1500 mega-damage every 4 seconds. If nessicary, extra power can be diverted to the shield, providing up to 2250 M.D.C. protection. HOWEVER, if the shields M.D.C. is raised over 1850 M.D.C., the 1/4 of the ships weapons cannot fire, this includes the main cannon, because 1) The extra power of the shield stops objects on both sides of it, and 2) There's to big of an energy drain to fire any weapons. Under 1850 M.D.C. the weapons can fire. The Shield allows Energy weapons and Missiles OUT of the Field, but not inside.

Payload: Nearly inexhaustible.

SPECIAL EQUIPMENT OF NOTE: Long Range Radar, Long Range Laser and Sattelite Relay, Anti-Gravity Control System, Sublight Engines. Mecha Complement of up to 5 mecha of any type. Common complement 2 VAF-6's, 1 VAF-7A, and 2 VBF-1A.

