From first glance the Blacknight looks like somthing from Macross II or Plus. Overall the craft looks a deformed triangle or arrowhead. The thing is very sleek and aerodynamic and looks like it could fly circles around an Invid Scout. The design is usally painted black, blue, or dark grey, and is usally trimmed in the same colors.
The original focus of the Delta series of Veritech Fighters is speed. The Blacknight easily covers speed, being capable of sustaining speeds of nearly Mach 6 for a long period of time (it can go even faster for short periods of time) , and is also an advanced tactical strike fighter equipped with a more evolved version of the E-20, rapid fire laser guns on the nose, and of course, the REF touch(aka a HELLAVALOT of missiles!). The Blacknight also has a prototype model for a new hand to hand Energy Beam Saber that can cut mecha apart with ease. This model also comes with arm shield and a mecha sized Pin Point Barrier.
The Blacknight is still in an experimental stage. The main goal is to get the entire design streamlined so it's cheaper to create, since right now the Blacknight costs the price as a Vindicator squadron! Another problem is that air to air combat at high speeds has a possibility of health risks for the pilot (think Zech's first flight with Tallgeese, involving a heart attack and probably a few broken ribs). There are 10 prototypes of the VDF-7, in 5 pairs of 2 across the galaxy.
TYPE: Advanced Tactical Strike Fighter/Mecha Combat Melee Specialist.
YDF-7A: First Prototype. Crashed on a test run on Tirol in 2039, reasons unknown.
YDF-7B: Second Prototype. Contained improved wing and engine designs. Passed test trials succesfully.
VDF-7A: First semi production models of the Blacknight. Only 10 exist so far for purposes of field testing.
CREW: The pilot only. A person can fit in the pilots lap however.
*Head: 50.
**Main Body: 400.
Upper Arm: 100.
Lower Arm: 100.
Arm Shield (usally on right arm): 400
Hands: 30 each.
***Wings: 150 each.
****Legs/Main Thrusters: 300 each.
Secondary Boosters (4): 50 each.
*****Tail Fins (2): 50 each.
Reinforced Pilots Compartment: 300.
Pin Point Barrier: 100. *: Depleting head MDC knocks out all sensors except radar, making it -1 to parry, dodge, and strike.
**: Depleting the Main Body's MDC will shut down the mecha. The pilot will be fine though unless the pilots compartment is destroyed, then he/she will be BBQ.
***: Destroying 1 wing in the atmosphere reduces all pilot rolls by 20%, destroying both reduces it to 40%, and limits speed to Mach 1. Secondary thrusters prevent the craft from crashing unless the craft exceeds Mach 1.
****: Destroying one leg reduces max speed 50%, destroying the other would cause the ship to drift in space or cause it to crash in an atomsphere unless the seondary thrusters kicked in. The secondary thrusters can be used as emergency thrusters, but they can only manage a meager Mach 1.
*****: Taking out 1 tailfin reduces pilot rolls for the ship by 10%, destroying both reduces the pilot roll by 20%. (Note: These penalties are added to the penalties for the wings being destroyed. Thus the penalty for piloting could be as high as 60%.
MAIN POWER PLANT: Advanced Protoculture/Fusion Engine.
MAIN ENGINES: FF-3000A Fusion Turbines in each leg.
SECONDARY THRUSTERS: FF-500G Engines, 2 right below the wings, 2 mounted on the legs next to the main engines.
Battloid: 40ft.
Guardian: 30.5ft.
Jet Fighter: 16.5ft.
Battloid: 13ft.
Guardian: 38ft.
Jet Fighter: 50ft.
Battoid: 16ft.
Guardian and Jet Fighter Modes: 46ft. wingspan.
WEIGHT: 18 tons.
PS is equal to 120 (can lift 12 tons and carry 6 tons)
JET FIGHTER: Capable of a sustained speed of Mach 6 (4020 MPH). Crusing speed is usally Mach 1-2 (670-1340 MPH). The secondary engines can also give the Blacknight a 15 second boost reaching up to Mach 7 or 8 (4690-5360MPH) 5 second burst of speed reaching as fast as Mach 9 or 10 (6030-6700 MPH). The secondary thrusters alone can can keep up a constant speed of up to Mach 1.
GUARDIAN MODE: Can reach a top speed of Mach 2 (1340 MPH). Crusing speed is usally Mach 1. Can also hover in place indefinetly in this mode.
BATTLOID MODE: Running is 75 MPH. Can jump up to 75ft. normally or 300ft with rocket assisted leaps. Flying speed is 200 MPH.
1: NOSE MOUNTED RAPID FIRE LASERS: The principle weapon of the Blacknight is a pair of Rapid Fire nose lasers mounted on the nose in front of the cockpit. They are only capable of a straight ahead line of fire, but they fire at a very rapid pace and can lay down a large hail of fire before the enemy sees it coming.
Primary Purpose: Assault. Secondary Purpose: Defense/Anti Missile.
Range: 6000ft.
Damage: 2D4X10 per short burst with both lasers. 1D4X10 for 1 laser in case one is destroyed. 4D4X10 with a long burst with both lasers. 2D4X10 MDC with 1 laser. Power can be rerouted from the PPB to increase damage (see below).
Rate of Fire: 4 short bursts, or 2 long bursts per melee.
Payload: Unlimited.
2: LS-50 LASER ENERGY BEAM SABER: A new weapon of the REF forces that is being tested with the Blacknight. The handle is about the size of a mecha hand and is connected to the mechas wrist with some power cords into the PC/fusion engine. The handle will shoot a highly concentrated beam of bottled energy. The beam is extendable up to 30ft. and is capable of chopping a mecha clean in half! When the Beam saber is not in use it's connected to some special clamps on the mechas wrist. When the Beam Saber is used, the Maul Rebs will be unable to fire due to the energy requirements of the Saber. If disconnected from the mechas wrist, the Beam Sabers backup E-Clip will allow it to run for a few minutes.
Primary Purpose: Melee Mecha Combat.
Secondary Purpose: Defense/Disarmarment
Length: 1-30ft. long, the beam is adjustable. Damage: 5D6X10 MDC for all lengths.
Number of Attacks: Equal to pilots hand to hand.
Payload: Connected to the mechas power supply via the wrist, effectively unlimited. But if disconnected, it will only be able to be on for 2 minutes of continuous use running on 2 Protoculture Cells. The best tactic is to flip it on and off while fighting.
3: LP-30 MECHA ENERGY PISTOL: The left/right leg of the Blacknight (pilots choice) contains a retractable panel that contains a energy pistol that evolved from the Logans E-20. The pistol looks like a futuristic Revolver.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Range: 6000ft.
Damage: 1D6X10+10 MDC per blast. The pistol is single shot.
Number of Attacks: Up to 9 shots per melee. It shoots every time the user pulls the trigger, and thus it is NOT semi automatic.
Payload: Unlimited.
4: MM-40 MULTI MISSILE SYSTEM: The Blacknight carries a Multi Missile System with half as many missiles as the Beta Fighter, but still a formadable amount. 15 missiles are in each leg, and 5 missiles are in each shoulder.
Primary Purpose: Assault. Secondary Purpose: Defense/Anti Missile.
Range and Damage vary with missile type.
Number of Attacks: Volleys equal to number of pilots hand to hand attacks. Can fire 1-40 missiles at once.
Payload: 30 Short range missiles.
5: MECHA PIN POINT BARRIER SYSTEM: A new system being used with the Blacknight is a scaled down Pin Point barrier thats generated from the Main Body. It has 100 MDC and regenerates 50 MDC every 2 attacks. (half a melee). If destroyed, the shield will completely regenerate in a melee. The shield has a 10ft diamter and is usally focused on the shield.
6: HAND TO HAND: Same as VF-1V Hand to Hand training, plus the following bonusues: +1 attack, +1 to parry, dodge, and strike.
1: ALL STANDARD FEATURES for a VAF-6R Recon Alpha. 2: LASER RESISTANT CERAMIC COATING covering all of the mecha. Lasers do half damage. All other weapons do full damage. The Shield is covered with a stronger version of the ceramic that is totally laser resistant (Lasers do NO damage)(however its VERY exspensive and thus cannot be coated on the entire VDF).
3: ADVANCED ENERGY REROUTING SYSTEMthat can take energy from the Raul Reb and focus it to the PPB or vise versa. Taking energy from the PPB and rerouting it to the Maul Reb lasers allows each laser to do an extra 1D4X10+10 MDC (thats 2D4X10+20 for both combined,), Thus a short burst with both Maul Rebs do 4D4X10+20 MDC, and a long burst would do 6D4X10+20 MDC. The PPB will regenerate within a melee.
If the energy is rerouted to the PPB then the Pin Point Barrier gains an extra 4D4X10 MDC and keeps it until the shield is damaged back to 100 MDC. The Maul Rebs won't be able to fire for a melee.
4: RADAR ABSORBANT COATING is applied on the trimming of the VDF-7, making the Blacknight invisible to radar until within 1/5 a mile away (1056ft), and even then it's a small blip.