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Vierge is a Military Elite Gear of Solaris origins. It is mainly pink, but carries some white trim. It's size and frame have been drastically reduced to minimize weight. But despite it's fragile appearance, it is very powerful, and quite durable to punishment. It's strength is not firepower or armor plate, but it's Ethers, as it's Ether Amplifier is rather powerful, and it has the ability to use the Ether Guided Weapons known as 'Aerods'. While Vierge lacks physical strength, it's Ethers make up for it.


Pilot: 1 (Elhaym Van Houten).

Builder: Solaris.

Gear Type: Elite Military Use Ether Support Gear.


Head: 75

Built in Vulcan Cannon: 50

Arms: 125 each

Hands: 40 each

Legs: 175 each

Rear Stabilizer/Aerod Holder: 300.

Side Skirts/Aerod Holders(2): 125 each.

*Upper Torso: 300

*Lower Torso: 200

**Vernier Thrusters(2): 175 each.

Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 250

*:Destroying the upper torso will mean loss of the head, arms, and vernier thrusters, as well as use of the Aerods. Destroying the Lower takes out the legs.

**: THe Vernier Thrusters are hidden under the rear stabilizer when on the ground, thus the stabilizer must be destroyed in order to attack the thrusters. When flying, the Verniers will be exposed, but at a -2 to hit due to small size and the minor obstruction of the Stabilizer.


Height: 15.7 Sharl (15.229m.)

Dry Weight: .2 Kam (11.016 tons)

Loaded Weight: 4.7 Kam (15.876 tons)


Battery Life: 10.333 hours of constant use.

Ether Amplification: X7.

Ether Defense: 75%.

Land Range: 2,893.24 Repsol (1,744.2104MI/2806.4428KM)

Flying Range: 8,783.05 Repsol (5,291.5293MI/8519.5585KM)

Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 45.


Ground, Running: Up to 280 Repsol (168.8MPH/271.6KPH)

Non Thruster Leap: 125ft.

Thruster Assisted Leap: Up to 600ft.

Flying: From a stay in place hover up to 850 Repsol (512.1MPH/824.5KPH). But full speed flight can only be kept up for 2D6X10 minutes before the engines overheat and landing will be nessicary. Crusing speed is around 100-300KPH.


1: INSTALLED VULCAN CANNON: Vierge has a light Vulcan installed in it. But it's rarely used due to lack of power.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Range: 2000ft.

Damage: Short Burst 2D6 MDC. Long Burst 4D6 MDC. Full Melee Burst 1D4X10 MDC.

Rate of Fire: 4 Short Burst, 2 Long Bursts, or 1 Full Melee Burst per Melee.

Payload: Enough for 10 Full Bursts, 15 Long Bursts, or 30 Short Bursts.

2: AERODS:Stored under the sideskirts and rear Stabilizer are several sets of Animum Ether Response Offensive Drones, more commonly called Aerods. These Ether guided weapons are small Ether controlled warheads that shoot out in volleys and home in on their targets, causing a centralized Ether explosion upon impact. There's also a version that simply blasts its target with a focused Ether laser. Aerod use is rare because few people know how to handle them effectively. Individual Aerods do only moderate damage, but volleys can be devestating.

Primary Purpose: Assault.

Secondary Purpose: Anti-Gear.

Damage: Each Explosive Aerod does 2D8 MDC to only a 5ft. radius. Aerods are always fired in packs of 12, which do 3D6X10+12 MD per volley with a 25ft. radius. Laser Aerod's do 2D6 MD to only a 3ft. radius, and a pack of 12 does 2D8X10+12 MD to a 15ft radius, limiting it's use to fewer targets.

Rate of Fire: 2 Volleys per Melee. Each Volley requires at least 2 attacks.

Payload: Each side skirt can carry 16 Explosive Aerods, as can the main stabilizer which also can carry 16, for a total of 48 Aerods (4 Aerod volleys). Each sideskirt and stabilizer can carry 4 Laser Aerods, for a total of 12. Explosive Aerods are used up, but Laser Aerods return to their holder.

Note: Aerods are Smart Weapons, thus they have a +2 to Strike and +4 to Dodge being shot down. Each Aerod has only 3 MDC. Unfortunetly for the attacker, Aerods do NOT explode, and the remaining Drones continue their attack. Aerods can only be used by a Major or Master Psychic, Chi Master, or Magic user, and they must have some training with Vierge and Aerod use before they can use them with full efficency. Aerod use is extremely rare, and often difficult, because of the Ether Level a pilot needs in order to use it, so the pilot needs to concentrate hard if he/she wants to use Aerods.

4:COMBAT ROD: Basically a large Gear sized club or knife. Rods supplement Vierges weak hand to hand abilities.

Primary Purpose: Close Assault.

Secondary Purpose: Self Defense.

Range: Size Varies.

Damage: Blunt Rods add 3D6+4 MDC to punch damage.. Knife Rods add 3D6+2 MDC to punch damage.

Number of Attacks: Varies with Pilots Hand to Hand.

Payload: Unlimited.

5: HAND TO HAND: Use Rifts Robot Combat, Robotech Mecha Combat (Any Veritech or Gladiator Destroid,), or Macross II Valkyrie Combat. Vierge is quite capable of Hand to Hand Assault, but is weak compared to Weltall, Heimdal, Stier, and the other stronger Gears.

Restrained Punch: 1D4 MDC.

Normal Strength Punch: 2D6 MDC.

Full Strength Punch: 4D6 MDC.

Power Punch (requires 2 attacks): 1D4X10 MDC.

Restrained Kick/Knee: 1D4 MDC.

Kick: 3D6 MDC.

Full Strength Kick: 4D6+4 MDC. MDC.

Flying/Jump Kick (takes all attacks): 1D4X10+10 MDC.

Thruster Punch/Kick (takes all attacks): 1D6X10+10 MDC.

Body Blow: 2D4 MDC plus a 30% chance of knocking the target down, causing loss of init. and 2 attacks.

Body Tackle: 1D4 MDC and a 50% chance of knocking and pinning the target down, meaning loss of attacks and init until targets gets out from under Vierge.

Stomp: 1D4 MDC (Can only be done to Targets under 14ft. tall).

SYSTEM BONUSES: Vierge is a very light and agile Gear, and also has very advanced targeting and gyro systems. +2 Attacks, +3 to Dodge, +1 to Parry. +2 to Strike.

