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Attribute and Symbol: Loyalty

Conditions to use the Armor of Cruelty: The user must be of evil alingment (Anarchist won't work), it requires AT LEAST 80 PPE as well.

Undersuit: (Note, weighs 7lbs.)

Main Body: 80

Forearm Shields: 100

Legs: 70

Upper Arms: 50

Upper Legs: 50

Main Body (front and back plates): 300

Shoulder Plates: 180

Leg Plates: 180

Forearm Shields: 400

Helmet: 50

Hands: 20

Upper Legs: 50

Upper Arms: 50

Sickle and Chain: Undestructable (Unlimited MDC)


1:SICKLE AND CHAIN OF CRUELTY: This weapon is ancient and of evil origin. It has a 6ft long staff with a eternally sharp edge, connected to a 7ft long extendable chain and a 4 bladed club like object on the end. It can do nasty damage with the blade and the chain can do some nasty damage at a range as well. Length of Staff: 6ft long. The blade is 2ft long. Length of Chain: Normally its 7ft long, however the chain can be extended (unknown how it works) up to 50ft.

Damage: Sickle does 6D8MDC (6D6 SDC without the armor), the spiked club on the end of the chain does 3D6 MDC (1D6 SDC without the armor). A power slash (takes 2 attacks) does 1D8X10 MDC. Tieing the victim up with a chain and tightening it can do up to 2D6 MDC. Tieing them up with the chain and swinging them around into an object with the Armors strength can do 3D6 MDC and has a 40% chance of knocking the victim out. It takes 1D8 attacks for the victim to get out of the chains grasp.

2:QUAKE WITH FEAR: The Armor of Crueltys special attack. Theres two versions of the attack:

1: Direct Hit: The user shouts "QUAKE WITH FEAR" as he twirls the chain and drives the spiked object directly into the victim, doing 1D4X10 MDC due to the extra force. The chain head then splits into 3-6 and wraps around the victim, doing 4D6 MDC from the pressure. At the users wish, the 3-6 extra chains can be directed right INTO the victim doing 1D8X10. Doing this attack takes all of the armor wearers attacks. It also consumes 40 PPE. This attack can be done from 50ft away.

2: Area Effect: Same as above except that the user drives the chain in the direction of the ground and it goes about 10-20ft down before splitting into 50-100 chains that erupt out of the ground and fly everywhere in an attempt to tie up or impale opponents. IT does the same damage as above but isn't capable of focusing more then 1 chain into a victim. The chains also don't wrap around people this time, only tie them up in a big chain jungle gym, so damage from wrapping and squeezing isn't possible. This consumes 40 PPE as well.


+3 to Roll with Punch/Fall/Impact

+3 to Parry and Dodge

+2 to Strike

Restrained Punch: 1D4+2

Normal Punch: 1D6+5

Power Punch: 3D6+5 but takes 2 attacks

Kick: 1D6+3

Flying Kick (takes 2 attacks): 3D6+6

Roundhouse Kick: 1D10+8

Stab with Helmet Horns: 2D6 SDC

PS with Armor on is equal to 200 (can lift 10 tons and carry 5 tons)

With just Undersuit add +35 SDC to all hits and PS is equal to 50. (Can lift 2 and 1/2 tons and carry 1 and 1/2 tons)

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