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REF Prototype Mecha Weapons Stats



This version of the original Hover Platform Mounted Synchro Cannon is a more compact and versatile version designed to be used like the Tri-Pod Mounted PBC Cannon (in Robotech RPG Book Eight: Strike Force). The Cannon is made up of 1: the Main Cannon, 2: a Foldable Tri-Pod, and 3: a Large Power Pack with 20 Protoculture Cells and a heavily insulated power cable. The Tri-Pod is first unfolded and laid on the ground, then the Cannon is connected to the Tri-Pod as the handles with the trigger on the back of the cannon is folded out. Then the Power Pack is hooked up to the cannon and either mounted on the back of the mecha or laid on the ground. The Cannon is useful for heavy support when missiles and standard mecha weapons aren't enough. it's only disadvantage is the enormous amount of power it takes to fire. (NOTE: The pilot using the Cannon must make a Weapons Systems roll to assemble it, a failed roll means the Cannon is connected to the Tri-Pod too loosely (-3 to strike) or the Power Cable isn't connected right (GM's decision). This weapon is HIGHLY rare, there are only 10 in existence in 7 REF bases across the galaxy.

Range: A 300ft long beam that is 20ft wide.

Damage: Destroys ANYTHING within path of fire.

Payload: 20 Protoculture Cells provides 4 shots, (It ís a big energy drain!)

Rate of Fire: Once per melee


This is a giant sized version of a 20th century Infantry Flame-thrower, except this one is more advanced, is bigger, and shoots Liquid Plasma instead of old fashioned Napalm. The Flame-thrower consists of: 1: A two handed rifle with coolant system, 2:A Large Mecha Sized Insulated Backpack containing 2 large tanks carrying the Liquid Plasma along, and 3: A Heavy Duty MDC Heat Resistant Tube connecting the Rifle to the Tank. The Flame-thrower is useful for close assault purposes and for disabling mecha (I consider anything that can fire something hot enough to melt away a mecha's limb a disabling weapon!) If the Connector between the Pack and the Rifle is severed, the gun WILL NOT fire. But the pack automatically seals in case of a leak and the mecha won't take damage. The weapon isn't useful for long range assaults, and its best used in combination with some longer ranged mecha. If a Veritech Fighter is using it, the Pack is carried in one neat little backpack on top of the Veritech in Jet Fighter and Guardian Mode. Due to the bulk of the pack, the Veritech is -3 to dodge in Jet Fighter Mode. speed is reduced by 10% and it must be jettisoned when entering an atmosphere.

Range: 100ft

Damage: Normal Blast does 1D6X10, and Full melee does 3D6X10. The Flamethrower has a Continuous Stream Setting that won't overheat the nozzle very fast will do 1D8X10 ever round the target is being hit. Every round the plasma is on the target, it suffers 4D6 per round, and will continue to suffer damage until the plasma is scrapped off, which takes 2 melees and the hands will take 2D6 Mega Damage. Or the Plasma can be washed off with cold water in 2 melees.

Rate of Fire:2 normal blasts, or a full melee spray per melee.

Payload: Each tank has enough fuel for 5 min. of constant firing (40 normal blasts, or 20 Full melee bursts per tank,) and the Flame-thrower has two tanks. Once they are empty, the Flame-thrower is useless. It can only be reloaded with the right equipment (it takes 6 melees/1 and 1/2 minutes to get the tanks replaced) If the Pack is destroyed, the tanks will burst and splash Plasma on everything within 20ft, the mecha carrying the pack takes 3D6X10 MDC to ALL parts of the mecha and suffers 4D6 to every part on the mecha's body until it is scraped off or washed off (the hands take 2D6 MDC and it takes 2 melees, using water takes 2 melees to get the plasma off, but won't damage the hands of the mecha.)

MDC of Pack: 50


These look like mecha sized heavily armored finger less gloves, but when activated, 4 Vibro Claws 8ft. long extend from the top of the hand. They are useful close combat weapons since they are portable, and add no penalties to hamper the mechas performance. The Lightning Claws can claw through even the toughest armor in just a little while, they can also parry energy weapons and even some missiles. However they are a very short-range weapon, useful only for close combat purposes, so the mecha must also carry long ranged weapons for max. performance.

Range: The Mechas arm reach plus 8ft.

Damage: One Swipe does 6D6, a Punch does 1D6x10, a Power Swipe/Punch does 2D6X10, but takes 2 attacks.

Number of Attacks: As many times as the pilot has attacks.

Payload: 7min. of constant use per set of claws, once out of energy only a REF starship can recharge it.

MDC of the entire Gauntlet excluding claws: 75, unlimited if the energy field is on.

MDC of each claw: Unlimited with the energy field, 30 if the energy field is down.


This gun looks like a cross between an EU-11 and one of those Type III Phaser Rifles from Star Trek. Theres a special energy cell built into the middle of the gun that glows neon blue when its full (An easy way to tell that it's ready to fire again). Energy from the E-Clip is stored into the cell for the next shot. When the Trigger is pressed, electromagnetic energy from the cell will charge up. then be released through the muzzle. When fired, the gun releases a neon blue bolt of highly charged electro magnetic particles, looking like having the same effects as a bolt of lightning. The lightning bolt, when used against metal targets, will spread out and damage the entire target, possibly shorting it out (if the targets still in one piece upon the original impact). While the Lightning Gun is very powerful, it has has two disadvantages, 1: a huge energy drain, it can drain an e-clip rather quickly, and 2: The energy diffuses after its shot, so it has a rather short range.

Purpose: Heavy Assault

Range: 300ft

Damage: A quick shock (just hitting the trigger and letting go like it was a normal gun) does 1D6X10 MDC and travels about a 10ft radius from the point of impact. If the target is metal it does damage to THE ENTIRE TARGET. Holding down the trigger for about 3 seconds causes a medium shock that does 2D6X10 MDC to a 20ft radius, and a 15% chance of shorting mecha out for 4-24 melees (1-6 minutes, roll 1D6), but takes 2 Attacks. Draining the entire cell (A Full melee burst,) will cause 4D6X10 MDC and has a 35% chance of shorting mecha out. Theres a 50% chance for medium and full cell bursts that the pilot will be shocked, suffering 4D6 SDC if not wearing MDC Armor and will be stunned for 2D4 melees. Full Energy Cell Shocks also cause one of the following (roll percentile dice).

01-20: All sensors (radar, motion detection, thermo imaging, etc) goes offline for about 15-30 minutes. Theres a 40% chance the systems will be severely damaged and require 2D6 hours of repairs, add 1 hour for every 3 additional systems beyond 6.

21-40: All Communications go offline for 1D6 hours. Effectively making the mecha mute and deaf to all laser relay and radio communications. Theres a 1-30% chance the systems will be permenently damaged and won't be online until fixed (takes 2D6 hours).

41-60: All weapon systems, except for hand held weapons, are offline except for 1D6 Hardpoint mounted missiles (if any). If an Alpha Fighter, all weapon systems offline except for 3D6 short range missiles. If a Beta Fighter, lose all weapon systems except for 5D6 short range missiles, and 1D6 Medium Range Missiles. The systems are permenently damaged until 3D6 hours of repairs are made.

61-80: 1D4 Limbs lock up and won't respond, roll 1D4 to see which limbs lock up:

1: Right Arm, lose 1 attack.

2: Right Leg, speed reduced by 80%.

3: Left Arm, same as #1.

4: Left Leg, same as #2.

81-90: Severe Internal Damage, -1 Attack, Speed reduced by half and -2 to Parry and Dodge.

91-00: TOTAL SYSTEM SHUTDOWN! All systems offline for 1-10 minutes (4-36 melees). When the mecha is backline, Communications, Sensors, and Weapon Systems will be down. (see 01-20, 21-40, and 41-60,)

Number of Attacks per melee: Up to 8 Short Bursts, 4 Medium Bursts, and 1 Full Cell burst per melee until the Cell runs out of energy and needs to recharge (takes half a melee)

Payload: The E-Clip can refill the Energy Cell in the Lightning Gun with enough energy for up to 30 Short Blasts, 15 Medium Blasts, and 3 Full Melee Blasts. Most Mecha carry 2-3 extra E-Clips incase the first E-Clip runs out (which it usally does pretty quickly). An Alternative is to hook the Lightning Gun directly into the Power Supply of the mecha by connecting a small cable into the mechas wrist through some kind of port. It takes 3 attacks for the mecha to hook the cable directly into the mechas arm. It gives the Lightning Gun an effectivly unlimited supply of Energy. A common tactic is to keep the Lightning Gun hooked up to the mecha with a E-Clip inside the gun, because the mechas power supply will charge up the Energy Cell AND the E-Clip in the gun. It takes 1 melee to charge up an E-Clip using this tactic. NO BUILT IN ENERGY WEAPONS on the mecha can be fired while the Lightning Gun is hooked up into the mecha.

5:MRM-3 MEDIUM RANGE MISSILE MULTI LAUNCH SYSTEM: This weapon sort of looks like that missile launcher from Throk: Dinosaur Hunter. It can fire up to 4 Medium Range Missiles in one shot. A powerful heavy weapon but has a small payload, and not the fastest reload rate either.

Range: Varies with Missile Type (uses medium range warheads)

Damage: Varies with Missile Type

Rate of Fire: A volley of 1-4, the automatic reload system takes 2 actions to reload.

Payload: 8 Missiles total in a large ammo box used as the weapons clip.

MSR-4 MECHA SPECIAL OPERATIONS ENERGY SNIPER RIFLE: This looks like a cross between a larger version of the Veritech Hovertanks EU-11 Gunpod and a Southern Cross L.P. Nightstalker, only with a bigger rifle stock, and a large, multi-optics sight mounted on top of the gun. The weapon fires a single, laser bolt that has effective armor penetration and significant damage. The lasers color can be adjusted with a twist of a dial to blend in with the surroundings so the shot isn't as traceable. The multi-optics system has Infra-red (1200ft), nightvision (1600ft), Thermo Imager (1600ft), and a targeting sight (1600ft) that automaticlly shows all available targets (and will identify them too). The system also has a conventional 5 mile telescopic sight. Primary Use: Long Range Sniper Attacks.

Secondary Use: Assassination.

Range: 1 mile.

Damage: 1D4X10 MDC per shot. However, the Rifle has an Armor Piercing Setting that only does 1D4 MDC, BUT has a 50% chance of piercing mecha armor to damage systems inside the target mecha and maybe even the pilot.

Rate of Fire: Equal to users Hand to Hand.

Payload: 30 shots. Or 6 Armor Piercing Shots (An AP Shot takes the energy of 5 normal shots!). The Rifle can be rigged into the mechas power supply, giving the mecha unlimited energy, but also rendering the mechas built in energy weapons offline.


This is a mecha sized shotgun about 3/4 the size of the GU-11. It's ammo is large, heavily insulated shells that contain cool plasma. When each shell is fired, the plasma shoots out of the barrel of the gun and scatters, hitting everything in a wide area full of plasma "buckshot". The concentration and wideness of the area of effect.

Primary Purpose: Close Assault.

Damage: Point blank (up to 15ft. away from the nozzle) always does 1D8X10 MDC. Fully concentrated blasts do 1D6X10 to everything within a 10ft. radius (about 20-30 degrees) when farther then 15ft. away. Med. concentrated blasts do 5D6 MDC to everything in a 20ft radius (about 45-55 degrees). Full scatter shots do 3D6 MDC to everything within a 30ft. radius (in a full 90 degree angle). In addition, if a target is hit by a concentrated or point blank hit, they suffer 4D6 MDC round until the plasma is scraped off (takes 2D6 melees and the mechas hands take 2D6 MDC as well) or washed with water (that takes 2 melees). Anyone hit with a Med. Concentration Shot takes 2D6 per round and takes 2D4 melees to wash or scrape off, which the hands only take 1D6 MD. Full Scatter mode only takes 1D4 melees to get off and the hands suffer 1D4 if scraped off.

Range: Focused and Med. Scatter shots have a 300ft. range, full scatter only has 100ft.

Payload: Each one carries a clip of 5 shells. It takes a melee to drop a clip and reload.


This is a rifle about the size of between a GU-11 and GU-XX. The clip contains 7 large cartridges containing metal shards and other sharp objects. Upon pulling the trigger, the "splinters" fly out of the rifle and cut into any enemies within a radius of fire, much like a Shotgun. Obviously, due to the spreading effect, the range is limited. The shot can be focused to do damage to only 1 part of a mecha, rather then spread all that far.

Primary Purpose: Close Assault.

Secondary Purpose: Anti Personnel (anything that launchers huge ass fragments into people has to be anti personnel.)

Range: 50ft.

Damage: 20ft or closer, spread: 5D6 MDC to 1D6 parts of a mechas body. Focused: 2D4X10+10 to 1 part of a mecha. More then 20ft, Spread: 3D8 MDC to 1D4 parts of a mecha. Focused: 1D4X10 MD to 1 part of a mecha.

Rate of Fire: Equal to Pilots Hand to Hand.

Payload: A normal clip carries 7 splinter cartridges. Theres also an extended clip that carries 15.

7: BRC-001 HEAVY PARTICLE BEAM CANNON: A large, heavy, and rather cool looking hand held PBC, about 30% longer then a GU-11, which looks alot like the Wing Gundams Buster Rifle. This gun, when the trigger is pulled, charges for a second before firing an intense Particle Beam, capable of ripping Mecha apart in a single hit, or even a group of them! While it's power is tremendous, so is it's energy usage.

Range: 8000ft.

Primary Purpose: Blowing Stuff Up.

Secondary Purpose: Anti Mecha/Aircraft.

Damage: A low setting shot with this gun does 2D8X10 MDC. A full powered shot does 1D4X100 MDC with a Beam thats 90m. in Diameter!

Rate of Fire: 2 times a melee.

Payload: 20 shots. The full powered shot takes up 10 shots!

