NOTE(S): These Gears are NOT made for Rifts! They are made to be up to par with their own world stats, not to be thrown into some big Maelstrom of Hellspawn and Munchkinism otherwise known as Rifts Earth. Please keep that in mind before bombarding me with emails! Of course, MDC aside, this Gear could probably beat the living shit out of most Rifts Robots, which is why caution should be applied ANYTIME you wish to give this Gear to a PC.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: After Weltalls defeat at the hands of the Omnigear Vendetta, piloted by Kahn Ramsus, and the near deaths of Fei Wong and Elly Van Houten, the sage Taura, using advanced nanotechnology, managed to repair and upgrade the severely damaged Weltall, resulting in Weltall-2. The newer version of Weltall, thanks to the advanced nanotechnology, is just as light as the original, dsepite the fact it is about 30% more massive. It also has several major advantages to the original, including increased strength, speed, and the ever powerful System Id.
STATS: Pilot: 1 (Fei Fong Wong).
Builder: Original: UNKNOWN. Upgraded/Repaired by the Sage Taura using Nanotechnology.
Gear Type: Upgraded Advanced Military Use Assault Gear.
Head: 90
Chain Gun: 75
Arms: 180 each
Hands: 70 each
Legs: 250 each
Vertical Stabilizers/Vernier Thrusters (2): 375 each
*Upper Torso: 600
*Lower Torso: 450
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 300
*:Destruction of the Upper Torso means the Vernier Thrusters, Arms, Head, and Chaingun are offline. Destruction of the Lower Torso means the legs are offline.
Height: 16.45 Sharl (55ft/16.5m.)
Dry Weight: 17.8 Karn (19.244 tons)
Loaded Weight: 22.7 Karn (24.516 tons)
STATISTIAL DATA: Battery Life: 8.267 Hours of constant use.
Ether Amplification: X4.
Ether Defense: 40%.
Land Range: 2,149 Repsol (1,295.4389MI/2084.9374KM)
Flying Range: 16,037.98 Repsol (9,659.1628MI/15541.96KM)
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 120.
SPEEDS: Ground, Running: Up to 260 Repsol (156.7MPH/252.2KPH)
Non Thruster Leap: 75ft.
Thruster Assisted Leap: Up to 500ft.
Flying: From a stay in place hover up to 1940 Repsol (1168.4MPH/1880KPH). But full speed flight can only be kept up for 2D6X10 minutes before the engines overheat and landing will be nessicary. Crusing speed is around 100-300KPH.
1: INSTALLED CHAIN-GUN: Weltall-2s only built in weapon is a Chain Gun. However, it is rarely used because of its light damage.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Range: 2000ft.
Damage: Short Burst 4D6 MDC. Long Burst 1D4X10 MDC. Full Melee Burst 1D6X10 MDC.
Rate of Fire: 4 Short Burst, 2 Long Bursts, or 1 Full Melee Burst per Melee.
Payload: Enough for 6 Full Bursts, 12 Long Bursts, or 21 Short Bursts.
2: SYSTEM ID: A special system used only in extreme circumstances. It requires an action to activate, and when activated, the Twin Vernier Thrusters open up to reveal 3 pairs of small Beam "Wings" that erupt out. Weltall-2 then becomes significantly stronger for a short time. The downside is that the battery life is drastically reduced.
Primary Purpose: Combat Booster.
Cost: 2 HOURS of battery life per 30 (2 Melees) seconds of use! Not to mention a similar amount of fuel(it burns 1/4 of the Fuel Tank every 30 seconds as well).
System Bonuses (Oh Shit!): +2 Attacks, and SYSTEM BONUSES (See System Bonuses Below) are now DOUBLE!
Duration: Until A: It's turned off, B: The Gear Runs out of Fuel, or C: The Battery expires, which means the Gear stops dead,
3: HAND TO HAND: Use Rifts Robot Combat, Robotech Mecha Combat (Any Veritech or Gladiator Destroid,), or Macross II Valkyrie Combat. Like the original Weltall, Weltall-2 is a hand to hand expert, but even more so.
Restrained Punch: 1D4 MDC.
Normal Strength Punch: 4D6 MDC.
Full Strength Punch: 1D6X10 MDC.
Power Punch (requires 2 attacks): 1D6X10+30 MDC.
Restrained Kick/Knee: 1D6 MDC.
Kick: 5D6 MDC.
Full Strength Kick: 1D6X10+10 MDC.
Flying/Jump Kick (takes all attacks): 2D6X10+10 MDC.
Thruster Punch/Kick (takes all attacks): 1D6X10+40 MDC.
Body Blow: 2D6+4 MDC plus a 60% chance of knocking the target down, causing loss of init. and 2 attacks.
Body Tackle: 1D10 MDC and a 80% chance of knocking and pinning the target down, meaning loss of attacks and init until targets gets out from under Weltall.
Stomp: 1D8 MDC (Can only be done to Targets under 14ft. tall).
SYSTEM BONUSES: Weltall-2 is even more resposive then the original, meaning even better System Bonuses.
WITHOUT SYSTEM ID: +2 Attacks, +2 to Strike, +4 to Parry, and +3 to Dodge.
WITH SYSTEM ID: +4 Attacks, +4 to Strike, +8 to Parry, and +6 to Dodge.