NOTE: These Gears are NOT made for Rifts! They are made to be up to par with their own world stats, not to be thrown into some big Maelstrom of Hellspawn and Munchkinism otherwise known as Rifts Earth. Please keep that in mind before bombarding me with emails! Of course, MDC aside, this Gear could probably beat the living shit out of most Rifts Robots, which is why caution should be applied ANYTIME you wish to give this Gear, the Xenogear, to an PC.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: After Weltall-2 made contact with the Zohar Modifier and the 'Wave Existance', more or less 'God', the already powerful Weltall-2 was transformed into the Xenogear (also known as Xenogears), probably the most powerful Gear in existance. This Gear is a modern version example of the powerful Diabolos Gears that were fought 500 Years ago during the 'Days of Destruction', only even more powerful. The Diabolos Gears showed up after the war against Solaris, and were only defeated at the hands of the Omnigears, since even Solaris gears were no match for Diabolos Gears. Because the Xenogear is more reminiscent of a Diabolos Gear, it is technically NOT an Omnigear, even though it shares similar equipment. It is mostly Pure White and Navy Blue, with several areas trimmed with Yellow and Red. It's most notable frame feature are the 8 stabilizers that stick out in the back of the frame, as well as the angelic wings of pure energy that materialize when the Xenogear is in flight, or fighting at it's highest energy output. Also, unlike other Gears, it does not use the standard Gear Ether Slave Generator, but upon some mysterious power source. It's abilities are beyond measure by most conventional instruments, and it's Ether abilities are astronomical.
STATS: Pilot: 1 (Fei Fong Wong).
Builder: None. Upgraded from Weltall-2 by the Wave Existance upon Contact by the Zohar Modifier.
Gear Type: None that really applies. Flat out, this Gear is the Ultimate Gear of Destruction, an Archangel of sorts... well, OK, if you insist, the only classification that comes close is a Diabolos Assault Type Gear. NOTE: For simplicity, this gear is considered an OMNIGEAR in terms of equipment, even though technically, it isn't an Omnigear.
Head: 120
Arms: 250 each
Hands: 100 each
Legs: 375 each
Vertical Stabilizers/Vernier Thrusters (8): 250 each
*Upper Torso: 750
**Lower Torso: 650
Reinforced Pilot's Compartment: 400
*Destruction of the Upper Torso means the top 6 Vernier Thrusters, Arms, and Head are offline. This also exposes the Pilots Compartment. The Energy Wings and Energy Blasts can no longer manifest.
**Destruction of the Lower Torso means the legs are offline. Destroying both halves of the Xenogear destroys it.
Height: 19.8 Sharl (19.206m/62.568ft)
Dry Weight: 18.9 Sharl (20.4 tons)
Loaded Weight: 21.4 Sharl (23.13 Tons)
STATISTIAL DATA: Battery Life: Unknown! When using Frame Fix, it has been shown to have about 14 hours worth of life. However, even after the 14 hours have been used up from frame fixing, the Xenogear was still online!
Ether Amplification: X10. An Ether Ability even higher then Vierge (possibly equal to Regres). However, the Ether Amp CAN still overload if too powerful of an Ether attack is used with it (so don't even THINK about using Annihilate with this!!!).
Ether Induction: 90%
Land Range: Seemingly unlimited.
Flying Range: Also Seemingly Unlimited.
Physical Strength: Equal to a PS of 160.
SPEEDS: (Note: The Xenogear NORMALLY hovers about 7-15ft. off the ground, but it IS capable of walking and running.
Ground, Running: Up to 260 Repsol (156.7MPH/252.2KPH).
Non Thruster Leap: 75ft.
Thruster Assisted Leap: Up to 800ft.
Flying: From a stay in place hover up to 1940 Repsol (1168.4MPH/1880KPH), with unlimited range save for fuel. This Gear can, despite it's speed, breach Escape Velocity. Crusing speed is around 100-300KPH.
1: ENERGY BLASTS: The Xenogear can fire blasts destructive Energy at a target. These are NOT Ether in nature, but draw upon some mysterious form of energy. The Xenogear fires them out of it's hands, but if the arms are blown off, they can be fired from mid air right in front of the Xenogear. This is the Xenogear's main offensive ability.
Range: Up to 4000ft. away.
Primary Purpose: Assault.
Secondary Purpose: Anti Aircraft/Mecha (and Gears of course).
Damage: A low powered blast does 4D6 MDC. A Standard Blast of Energy does 1D6X10 MDC. By wasting 2 actions, the Xenogear can charge a blast of energy, making it capable of doing 2D6X10 MDC. A twin blast from each of Xenogear's arms does 3D6 MDC low powered, 2D6X10 MDC Normal Powered, and at the cost of 3 attacks, 4D6X10 MDC for a double charged blast.
Rate of Fire: Up to 6 times per melee.
Payload: Unlimited, they draw upon the same power source as the Xenogear itself.
Note: Energy Blasts are at a +3 to strike.
2: ENERGY WINGS: 2 large angelic wings of whitish-blue energy can manifest between the top 2 pairs of Stabilizers on the upper back of the Xenogear. While normally there as an energy venter, they are powerful enough to deal DAMAGE. For anyone who wants to argue against this: Play the game, go into the Kislev Battle Arena and use Xenogears, and after some button mashing, you will probably get Xenogear to cut the enemy with it's wings!
Range: When wings are manifested, they are normally about 30ft. in length each. However, they are capable of venting up to 70ft! When the Gear is in Infinity Level, the wings are automatically extended to 70ft. and cannot be any shorter due to energy output.
Primary Purpose: Excessive Energy Venting.
Secondary Purpose: Defense.
Damage: A slash with a wing does 1D4X10 MDC per slash. While in Infinity Level, each wing strike does 2D6X10 MDC. The Xenogear can quickly spin around and strike everything in a 30-70ft. radius, but this only does 4D6 MDC to everything in range, and 1D6X10 MDC in Infinity Level. Spinning around and striking all takes 2 attacks.
Number of Attacks: 6 Times a Melee.
Payload: Unlimited.
3: INFINITY LEVEL: While all Omnigears contain this ability, the Xenogear is easily the most powerful in this area. Infinity Level happens when the Gear's Energy Output gets to a high enough level, that the Gear strikes harder and faster then before. In the case of the Xenogear, it's 2 large Angelic Wings will extend to 70ft. away as well, and it's eyes will glow a whitish blue. In order to reach Infinity Level, the Gear must be in combat for 3 minutes. At this point, the Xenogear has warmed up enough to have a chance of hitting Infinity Level.
Chance of Hitting Infinity Level each round after 3 melees: 99%, you'll almost always hit Infinity Level after 3 minutes. Still, to be fair, you should roll % to see if you hit it (not like your gonna get the 1% and not hit Infinity Level.).
Duration: Infinity Level bonuses last only ONE melee. After that, the Gear has vented all it's energy and is now back to normal. It takes another 3 minutes to reach Infinity Level again.
Bonuses while in Infinity Level: Fuel Use drops down to a VERY low fraction for that time, almost as if the Gear isn't using any at all. Ether Induction reaches 100%, that means the Gear is IMMUNE to Ether attacks (Magic, Chi, or Psionic). Double damage and range from Energy Blasts. In addition, the Gear now REGENERATES MDC at the rate of 5D6 MDC every 2 seconds (8 times total in the melee). In addition, a +2 to AUTO DODGE, +2 to Strike, and +2 attacks. In addition, at the opening of the Infinity Mode round, there's a +2 Init.
3: HAND TO HAND: Use Rifts Robot Combat, Robotech Mecha Combat (Any Veritech or Gladiator Destroid,), or Macross II Valkyrie Combat. While the Xenogear isn't as reliant on hand to hand combat as Weltall or Weltall II, it is still devestating up close.
Restrained Punch: 1D4 MDC.
Normal Strength Punch: 1D4X10 MDC.
Full Strength Punch: 1D6X10+10 MDC.
Power Punch (requires 2 attacks): 1D8X10+30 MDC.
Restrained Kick/Knee: 1D6 MDC.
Kick: 1D4X10 MDC.
Full Strength Kick: 1D6X10+20 MDC.
Flying/Jump Kick (takes all attacks): 2D6X10+40 MDC.
Thruster Punch/Kick (takes all attacks): 1D8X10+40 MDC.
Body Blow: 2D6+8 MDC plus a 60% chance of knocking the target down, causing loss of init. and 2 attacks.
Body Tackle: 2D6 MDC and a 70% chance of knocking and pinning the target down, meaning loss of attacks and init until targets gets out from under the Xenogear.
Stomp: 2D6 MDC (due to the fact the Xenogear typically hovers, theres no height limit to a stomp, but when it's on the ground, it can only stomp targets 14ft. or smaller.).
BONUSES AND ABILITIES: The Xenogear is easily one of the most powerful Gear on the planet. While it lacks Weltall-2s System Id, it's bonuses are still impressive. +4 Attacks, +4 to Strike, +5 to Parry, +2 Init, and +6 to Dodge. Energy Aborbant: Laser Attacks do 1/4 Damage, all other types of Energy Attacks do 1/2 Damage.
Limited Bodyguard: If the pilot of the Xenogear is in any immediate danger(about to be shot, stabbed, or vaporized, for example), the Xenogear automatically teleports it's owner INTO the Xenogear's cockpit! The Xenogear must be within 1000ft. of the pilot in order for this to take effect. If it's beyond that range, and your about to get shot, stabbed, or vaporized... hope your will's in good order.