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The NMW Masta'Peace Issue #1 4:20:01
By: The Arti$te

Wut up NY? Spring Beatings is not far off, and its looks to be the most hardcore show NMW fans have ever seen! Only seven matches are currently on the card, but the four title matches all look to be main-event worthy. Here are my PREDICTIONS

First off JP vs. the MadMan from the BadLands, Mayhem, with MadDog Bobby Rogers (ICW!). As many of you well know my favorite current wrestler is Triple H, Paul Levesque. To really look at some of the things he has done in the WWF is truly amazing. His is not all selfish, Like Lex Luger for example. Take a look at Wrestlemania X-7 (by the way how much more stupid of a name can u have??? x-seven??? come on!), when he put on another great performance while jobbing to the UnderBiker, when last year the guy was on top of the industry, and ended the elustrious career of my favorite all time wrestler, Mick Foley. But that's a story for another day. JP is earning respect in NMW, even though he is not with the fans. He did what he had to do to win the title, like HHH did leaving HIS DX. However, I have heard that JP has signed a contract in his homestate of Texas with NWA Texas, and will be leaving NMW shortly to move there. If this is the case, I choose Mayhem to walk away with Heavyweight gold. If this is true JP that u r going to move to Texas, then I wish you all of the best of luck there.
Winner: Mayhem

Next match, Shiny Pants Gigolo vs. the exceptional E, Eric Everlast. I compare the gimmick Walker to the gimmick The Rock, as wierd as it sounds. Gigolo is annoying, arrogant, scared, boring; exactly like The Rock in my book! The Rock is the most boring wrestler in the world. I see a new BigTV! Champion here.
Winner: Eric Everlast

Now it's time for the 3 Way Tag Title Dance. I like the team of HellCat and the Original Fuzznut, however HellCat has had Tag gold around his belt since 10/28/2000's Spoooktacular! Don't you think his 1/2 year title reign is due to end sometime soon? I choose my man BCL and his 150 lbs. partner to both gain some weight, in the form of NMW Tag Team Championship gold!
Winners: BCLMM

Now the highly anticipated 3 Way Rochester Street Fight for the CW Championship. With Dunn, Tortuga, and Reptar (I mean Raptor), can anyone call these 3 cruisies "HardCore Luchadores?" I hope this match lasts for a while and let's see what these guys have truly got. Again I'll choose one of my main men, "Devastating" Kevin Dunn and his new outfit to win the beat-up Cruiserweight Championship belt!
Winner: "Devastating" Kevin Dunn

Now get ready to see some PRN! That's the Puerto Rican Nightmare Diablo Santiago taking on former Temple football standout Sledge. I predict PRN to win in < 5 mins!
Winner: Da Puerto Rican Nightmare, Diablo Santiago

Troy vs. Jeff. Hmmm. I pick Troy, let's just hope he can get his opponent all the way up on the suplex this time! :)
Winner: Troy "The Boy" Buchannon

Last but definitely not least, my personal rivals, the F.A.G, led by TheFagzMan Simmons, taking on a mystery team. As much as I hate to say it, I pick Faggie with the Kermit the Froggie wanna.B. I.B. Green, former WWF'er the Cowboy Don Adams, and Chameleon (sounds like a Pokemon character) to steal this one with some interference or some steel chairs.
Winners: F.D.E.

That's all for now. Catch you all at the Beatings, and check out my official site,, and sign the guestbook!
See ya,
The Arti$te