for Scarecrow
naked in your arms
my fears
lay strewn about the floor
like yesterday's clothing
Not Mine I
time and distance and reasons
seperate us
not mine to desire
nor dream of
not mine to share the moments
nor count the minutes
with you
but the longing
Not Mine II
dark light sears through my body
as I realize that you are not
your touch
your skin
your face
all belong to
Not me
I could reach out and touch you
if you were not already embraced
Untitled I
frozen in time
heart quivering
unable to turn away
from you
leaded feet
steel tears falling
from blood shot eyes
blue stained cheeks
frozen in time
Untitled II
fist rammed down my throat
vomit gurgling
tired of hating
and hurting and loving
and feeling
begging for numbness
but feeling every emotion
like a twisting knife
wracking me
scalding fire demon
breathing his breath
I, huddled
in my silent body
you left me nothing
of yourself
your smell
on my stained sheets
the taste
of your kiss
on my lips
the feel of
your skin
on mine
and it's not enough
to make me remember
but too much
to let me forget
Fire Eyes
feel my eyes
pierce your soul
lock with yours
lost in time
seeing all
of us
dig in
dare to look deeper
don't fear what I
love me hate me
burn with me
the buterfly squirms
as the wings are pulled
off, slowly
The pain doesn't kill
Just hurts like
and you go on
but you never really
sometimes the pain subsides
and you can almost live again
sometimes the pain
sears through your
and you are
too tired
too scared
too hurt
to fight it
Untitled III
I worship your form
in the moonlight (your form
being a 2 1/2 foot
granite monument)
without you
I'm in Wonderland
Going, going, gone
down a deep deep hole,
late in the afternoon
a smiling cat
a mad hat
(-ter) that is
eat me
drink me
grow me
shrink me
losing sight
don't want to fight
off with her head
she'd look better dead
big door, small door
wonder what's in store
open one and see
what does all this have to do with me
confused, confuseder
find her, lose her
or was that Loser?
was it a dream?,
maybe a show
hey!, where'd that funny-
looking rabbit go?
down a deep deep hole,
late in the afternoon
going, going, gone
or was it
gone, going, going