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More Dragons

-Dragon Evading-

This image depicts part of the duel between Damacara and the wizard. As Demacara speeds tward the wizard to deal the fianl blow, the wizard launches one final attack, a powerful lighting bolt! Demacara barely managed to evade the bolt. With all his strenght gone, the wizard is helpless. Demacara then finishes the wizard easily.


During peaceful summer evenings, Demacara often is found sleeping outside. Here he's in his favorate spot,just outside the caves that these dragons call home.

Notice the sky in the background. This place is nothing like Earth. It has multiple celestial bodies. There are many moons, including the one here which has its own satellite. This planet also has two suns, the Dragon Star and the Elven Star. The Dragon Star is deep red while the Elven Star is a pale yellow. The planet orbits both, so at certain times in the year the Dragon Star is larger while at other times the Elven Star appears larger.


The Dragon here is Jumaron Elero. He is Demacara's younger cousin. He doesn't have the rank of Demacara, but he is one of the most courageous in the clan.

-Demacara at Peace-

Just as he likes sleeping on the ledge outside of the caves, Demacara spends many hours at night just staring to the moons and stars. Demacara likes to be alone to think from time to time and the sky seems to give him all the answers he needs.

-White Dragon-

There are variuos type of dragons. This is a white dragon. White dragons are slightly smaller than red dragons (Demacara and his clan are red). White dragons are more peaceful and less likely to attack. They are worshopped by some religions as holy avengers cleansing the realm. This may not be far from the truth. They often fight creatures of a darker nature.

-Dragon Armor-

Humans are not the only race to use metal armor. Some dragons are known to use it too. Most dragon armor is human made. Althought dragons are very intellegent, they rarely use or make any goods themselves. They rely mostly on instinct and nessesity rather than weapons and armor. For the most part the only dragons that use armor are those that work with/for humans.

For even more dragons, visit the Dragon Clan Website