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The Black Bear!

A sad day in Ohio!
On November 28, 2001 a Black Bear
was shot and killed by a dear hunter.

Story was told on television are follows!
This black bear must have been awakened
by the deer hunters this year.
Says the Game & Wildlife.

This poor bear had sticks and rocks thrown at it,
Due to one woman hunting had so much fear.

The bear (said the woman) charged her so she
had no choice but to shoot this bear.

She took the black bear to the deer checking station
And showed the bear to them,
Then she ask can I have this bear to take home?

She was told NO.

Black Bears are shy and do not attack people.
This bear weighed around 350 pounds,
It is against the law to shoot a black bear,
They are on the endangered species list!

If you shoot a black bear there is a fine of $1,000.00
And at least 120 days in jail.

We must not destroy these animals.
The balance of nature must not be disturbed any more.
There are only about 50 of these beautiful animals in Ohio.
(Now 49 in Ohio, This has to STOP!!)
Please do not kill these animals,
All must learn to live in peace with our animal brothers.


The Game and Wildlife is under-going an investigation
on this matter of the Black Bear that was
shot and killed on Nov. 28, 2001.
The bear is being tested to make sure there was not any thing
wrong with it, that would make it charge at some one.

The Game and Wildlife stated that the bear looked very normal
and they do not believe that any thing is wrong but have to these
the steps before going any further.

Does anyone out there have information on this?

If you wish to add your comments you may
do so by sending me an e-mail at
I will add your words about this matter.
Hope you send you thoughts!

Wado (Thank You) to all.

Your thoughts and Views on the Black Bear Killing.


Page owned and created by:Uhisawahya