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The Eagle

The Eagle is the great sacred bird of the Cherokee
Indians and of nearly all native tribes. Eagle figures
prominently in their ceremonial rituals. Each Tribal
group has its own stories and legends concerning
the Eagle. Only the greatest warriors and the
Medicine Man wore feathers of the eagle.

Eagle medicine is the power of the great spirit, the
connection to the Devine. It is the ability to live
in the realm of spirit, and yet remain connected and
balanced within the realm of earth.

If someone dreamed of an eagle or eagle feathers,
the town organized an Eagle Dance as soon as
possible. This could only be done in late fall or
winter as the songs sung during the dance angered
the rattlesnakes.

These are beautiful birds and we should all respect them and start learning to care for them. :-)

Page Owned and created by: Uhisawahya