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Aminals Page

Dreams both good and bad float
through the air all day and night searching for
their destination.
While sleeping under a Dreamcatcher,
one may feel secure that all bad dreams
being confused and ill-intentioned get caught
in the web to perish with the first light of day.
While the good dreams, knowing the right way,
easily slip through the centre hole,
and work their way down the web,
catching all the energies of the stones and adornment,
float down the feathers and into the dreamers head.
One need never fear bad dreams again while sleeping
under a blessed or smudged Dreamcatcher.

Hua Koda ---Welcome my friend.

Tsi Tsa-La-Gi --- I am Cherokee.
Ho! Mitakuye Oyasin --- We are all related.
and this page is part of many that
I am working on.
Hope you enjoy all the pages
I have done for all of you who wish
to learn more about who we are and what
we stand for.
We are Woodland Cherokees.
That is why the top of this page states Woodland Cherokees.
Hope you stop back to visit again real soon.
Never know what new things might be on here next time. :)

The Woodland Cherokee colors are:
East= red
North= Blue
West= Black
South= White

3 words you should never use!
Squaw, Buck, and Papoose.
These are insults to the Native Indian.
It is time we should all
show each other RESPECT!

We Must Never forget the Trail of Tears

Page created by: Uhisawahya