Big Heart Woman's Tiyospiya
Come on in, these are some things that are important to me.
- My Daughter, Little Spotted Owl
- College ( I am gonna be a Respiratory Therapist when I grow up!)
- My Friends
- My Tiyospiya (extended family)
- Powwow dancing with my sister, Spotted Eagle Horse, (and looking at the Hoksilas!)
- Re-Enacting at Rendezvous and living history events
- Living my life and being happy!
- Being the best human being that I can possibly be
- Commiting Random Acts Of Kindness
- Taking pictures of things I find special
In Honor of my sister Toni Night Eagle-Martinez, I want to honor all Native peoples by providing links to educational and humorous sites. My sister Toni was murdered in her bed on Febuary 14th, 1999 while she slept.
"Go not gently into that good night, rage rage against the dying of the light"
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