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Respiratory Therapy Group

This is us, we are students at the Southeastern Community College in West Burlington, Iowa. You guessed it, we are Student Respiratory Therapists. This was taken at the beginning of our first year. We are now near the end of that year and soon will be second year students. We graduate in May 2002,and will take our Certifications and get Resgistered after that. Then it is off to where ever our little hearts take us.

I would personally love to be a traveling therapist, but, I am a single parent and can not do that. So maybe when she gets into college I can do that, but for now, I will settle for the west coast.

I guess I should introduce the gang. Starting with Derek (our only guy in the program right now. Then there is Dana, Mary, then me Trina. For the front row: in front of me is Amanda, then Kathleen, Tracy, and Shelia. That is the gang, we all work really hard, but we also know how to have fun too.

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