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A Protective Spirit

I was going down US 63 in Missouri last week to deliver a load and in the middle of nowhere I was talking to another driver on the CB radio,

when we both saw this lady walking in the rain...I was coming from behind, he was from the front...

We both said that a woman in the rain in nothing but a nightgown is going catch cold.

Since she was walking my way, I decided I'd stop and give her a lift...When I pulled over and got out with my rain coat to give it to her...she was gone

And when I say in the middle of nowhere, I mean...farmland baby...

I later asked some of the local people about the mystery I had just seen

and they told me that Her and her husband were part of the Underground night the KKK came to there house and set it on fire...

She was away at some church thing. Her husband was a preacher.

She came home to the sight of the house burning and could hear the kids screaming...

The others in the area got the kids out, but they all later died.

She was so distraught that she hung herself.

She is a very benevolent spirit.

She keeps travelers safe...if you happen to see her on US 63 in Missouri,

it means that something has happened up the road, and she wants you to be safe.

I continued on and a tree had been struck by lightening and had fallen in the road...if I was still going 65, I would have slammed in to it, probably been injured at the very least;

since I was only doing about 25, trying to get back up to speed, I saw it and stopped in plenty of time to avoid hitting it...and helped the locals move it off the road.

Always Monkeying Around;

Pete Miles