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A New Member's Guide To The SCA (Barony of Coeur d'Ennui and the Canton of Axed Root
New Members Guide What is the SCA? Getting Involved Glossary
SCA Ettiquette Developing your persona Choosing your SCA name Clothing
Making your first set of medieval clothes Getting to your first event List of awards Officer Descriptions
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What is the SCA?


Members of the Society for Creative Anachronism strive to recapture the ambiance of the Middle ages and the Renaissance through recreating such things as dress, weaponry, armor, jewelry and food. In other words, they seek to recreate any facet of medieval life. Authenticity is encouraged in as many areas as possible, and the members put their research into practice by actually constructing medieval- style artifacts, practicing medieval arts and crafts, learning to fight with sword and shield and so on. More than research and practice, the SCA also attempts to embody those lost ideals that are found in the medieval romances: chivalry, courtesy, honor and graciousness. The SCA recreates the Middle Ages as they might have been, adding a note of consideration for others in an often too-indifferent world.


The Known World of the Current Middle Ages encompasses the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Iceland, England, Germany, Italy, Sweden and Japan. It is divided into twelve kingdoms, each ruled by a king and queen who have won the Crown in a medieval tournament. The Kingdoms may be subdivided into Principalities ruled by a Prince and Princess who also owe their coronets to victory in combat. Kingdoms and Principalities are composed of local branches called provinces, baroNes, cantons, shires and similar names from other languages. There are over 500 local branches in the Known World.

The responsibilities of administration do not rest solely on the shoulders of the rulers because there is a well-organized civil service to take care of much of the tedium of running a Kingdom and the SCA. The registry (a central office run by the corporation for all the Kingdoms) processes membership applications and maintains the mailing list. Seneschals oversee the daily affairs. Marshals supervise the fighting and related safety regulations. Chroniclers publish the newsletters. Some kingdoms have a Gold Key pavilion to offer information and loan appropriate costume to the first-time visitor. Chatelaines welcome the newcomer, like you, to the SCA.


The SCA sponsors many different events. There are numerous revels (the medieval equivalent of the modern party), seminars, demonstrations and tournaments. Banquets are held which copy the medieval high feasts with authentic recipes and entertainment. Various craft guilds hold meetings for those interested in specific arts. Seminars are held on topics of interest to members and other students of medieval history. The SCA also holds public demonstrations of fighting and other aspects of medieval life.