Military Records
Phillip Coleman
War of 1812 and subsequent Bounty Applications
Transcribed and Provided by John Ozment, May 2001

21Coleman, Philip
6th Regiment (1814-15), Mississippi Militia. (War of 1812.)
Private    Private
1  38940408
2      0513
Number of personal papers herein  2.

C6 (1814-15) Miss. Militia.
Phillip Coleman - Appears with the rank of Pvt. on a Pay Roll of Captain Bailey Heard’s Company, 6 Regiment, Mississippi Territory Militia, discharged March 23, 1815, (War of 1812) for Dec. 29, 1814 to Mar. 23, 1815. Roll dated ... Not dated, 181_ .
Commencement of service,   Dec. 29, 1814.
Expiration of service,   Mar. 23, 1815.
Time charged,   2 months, 25 days.
Pay per month,   8 dollars, ___ cents.
Amount of pay,   22 dollars, 45 cents.
Remarks: ___ /s/ Ward (572c)  Copyist.

C6 (1814-15) Miss. Militia.
Philip Coleman - Appears with the rank of Pvt. on a Muster Roll of Captain Bailey Heard’s Company, 6 Regiment Mississippi Territory Militia, discharged March 23, 1815, (War of 1812) for Dec. 29, 1814 to Mar. 23, 1815. Roll dated Ft. Montgomery, Mar. 23, 1815.
Time of rendezvous,   Dec. 29, 1814.
Discharged,   Mar. 23, 1815.
Present or absent,   Present
Remarks: ___
/s/ Ward (569c)  Copyist.

Know all men by these presents, that I, Philip Coleman, of the Mississippi Territory and county of Washington, have constituted and appointed Col. George Fisher of the said territory and county, and do by these presents constitute and appoint S. [ ? ] Fisher my true and lawful attorney to act and receive all moneys due me while a soldier in the service of the United States and under the command of J.B. Long, and received a regular discharge from Capt. Bailey, head of the 6th Reg't. of the Militia of the Mississippi Territory in the service of the United States, and I do hereby certify that all acts and deeds done by said Fisher shall be as binding on me, my heirs, administrators, or assigns as tho' I had been personally present. Given under my hand this day of -- Philip   Coleman (his mark)
Joseph F. Jarvis, Test.

By J.B. Long, captain commanding, at Fort Montgomery.
Philip Coleman, a private in Capt. Bailey Heard's Company of the 6th Regt. of the Militia of the Mississippi Territory in the service of the United States, having faithfully served from the time he was drafted until he was discharged, to wit: from the 29th December 1814 'til the 23 March 1815, and he is hereby honorably discharged.
Given under my hand at Fort Montgomery this 23 March 1815.
J. McDonnold [ ? ], 1st Lieut. Ball, M.S. Int., [ ? ], commanding

I certify that Philip Coleman, a private of my company of militia (of the 6th Regt. of the Mississippi Territory) in the service of the United States, has served from the time he was drafted until he was discharged, to wit: form the 29th December 1814 until the 23rd March 1815, and that he has been submitted according to law, and is entitled to private's pay from the time of his enrollment until the present date -- and that he is entitled to an honorable discharge.
Bailey Heard, Capt.

Mississippi Territory )
Washington County     )
I do hereby certify that I do believe the within signature of the subscribing witness to the handwriting of the said Joseph F. Jarvis.
Given under my hand and seal the 3rd of March 1817.
Wm. Henry, J.Q. (seal), Justice of the Quorum
in and for the county and territory aforesaid

Note $22.70

Philip Coleman
Cap. Bailey Heard
Phillips [ ? ] Ball__ [ ? ] Fisher

Jan. 16 / 30
56187,  123.199
Philip Coleman, Private
Cap. Bailey Hurd.
Col. McGrew.
Miss. Mil.
Ent. Dec. 1814 )
Dis. Mar. 1815 )
War 1812.

3 And 5 of Oct. 3 / 51
Philip Coleman SQ
from 29 Dec. 1814 )
to 23 March 1815  )
B.F. Gallaher
First Ward [ ? ]
40 acres allowed.  Allen

Vol. 56, Page 16, Warrant 24,016
Ipo Octr. 1851
Hensto  [ ? ]
Wm. W. P. Alston, Linden, Ala.

29 Dec. '14
23 March '15

123.199 / act Mar. 3 / 53
56.187    May 7 / 55

W56526 ipo July 28 / 56
Philip Coleman, Priv.
Capt. Heard
Col. McGrew
Ga. Vols. Mil., Ent. Miss., Miss. Mil., Seminole War 1812

Recd. Warr. 24.016  210

I. Jany. 4 / 55.   A.R.S.

Aa 120 acres Feb. 16 / 56   A.R.S.

A.F. Posey, Greenville, Ala.

Philip Coleman, Ala. 1833
(GREENVILLE, Ala.) [Circular Stamp, center date unreadable]
_______ [Linear Stamp, four capital letters, unreadable ]

Commissioner of Pensions
State of Alabama  )
Butler County     )  SS:
On this twenty-eighth day of April A.D. 1855, personally appeared before me, a Justice of the Peace within and for the county and state aforesaid, Philip Coleman -- aged eighty-one years, a resident of the county and state aforesaid, who being duly sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Philip Coleman -- who was a private in the company commanded by Captain William Heard in the regiment of militia commanded by Col. McGrew -- in the war against the Indians, known as "Jackson's War;" that he was drafted in Washington  Co., Mi., on or about the       day of      A.D.     for the term of six months, and continued in actual service in said war for the term of fourteen days, and was honorably discharged at Montgomery Hill, Ala., on or about the     day of     A.D.   (He states that he served three months, but has forgotten all about the dates.)

He further states that he has received for said service a warrant for forty acres of land under the act of Sept. 28th 1850, the number of which he is unable to give, having sold his warrant, without taking or keeping any note of the number. -- He makes this declaration for the purpose obtaining the provisions of the act approved March 3, 1855, never having received any bounty land, except as above stated; and he hereby constitutes and appoints A.F. Posey Greenville, Butler County, Ala., his attorney to prosecute his claim and receive his patent therefor.
his mark (Philip  X  Coleman)

We, Nathan Bransford and James T. Thomas, residents of Butler County, Alabama, upon our oaths declare that the foregoing declaration was signed and acknowledged by Philip Coleman -- in our presence, and that we believe from the appearance and statements of the applicant that he is the identical person he represents himself to be. We also certify that the claimant is very old and that proper allowance should be made for his want of recollection of dates.
Nathan Bransford
James T. Thomas

The foregoing declaration and affidavit were sworn and subscribed to on the day and year above written; and I certify that I know the affiants to be credible persons; that the claimant is the person he represents himself to be, and that I have no interest in this claim. And, I certify that  the old gentleman, the applicant, is infirm, and that proper allowance should be made for his want of recollection of dates.
Edward Lee, J.P.

State of Alabama )
Butler Colunty   )
I, S.J. Bolling, Judge of the Probate Court in and for the county and state above named, do hereby certify that Edward Lee, Esq., before whom the foregoing affidavits were made, and who has thereunto signed his name, was at the time of so doing a Justice of the Peace in and for the county and state above mentioned, duly commissioned and sworn, that all his acts (official) as such are entitled to full faith and credit, and that his signature thereto is genuine. In testimony whereof, I have hereunto signed my name and affixed my official seal this first day of May A.D. 1855.
Samuel J. Bolling
Judge of Probate

The State of Alabama  )
Butler County         )
On this 8th day of January A.D. 1851, personally appeared before me, Samuel J. Bolling, Judge of the Court of Probate in and for said state and county, Philip Coleman, aged seventy-seven years, a resident of Butler County in said state, who being sworn according to law, declares that he is the identical Philip Coleman who was a private in the company commanded by Captain Baily Hurd, drafted when commanded by Colonel McGrew, in the War with Great Britain, declared by the United States on the 18th day of June A.D. 1812; that he was drafted in Washington County, state of Mississippi, on or about the first day of December, A.D. 1814, for the term of six months, and continued in active service in said war for the term of three months, or about that time, and was honorably discharged at Montgomery Hill, Alabama, on the 1st day March A.D. 1815, or about that time, as will appear by the muster rolls of said company, that he has lost or mislaid his original certificate of discharge.

He makes this declaration for the purpose of obtaining the BOUNTY LAND to which he may be entitled under the "act granting BOUNTY LAND to certain officers and soldiers who have been engaged in the Military Service of the United States," passed September 28th, 1850, and that he never has received any bounty land for said services by any previous act of Congress.
Philip  X  Coleman, his mark

Sworn to and subscribed before me on the day and year above written. And, I hereby certify that I believe the said Philip Coleman to be the identical man who served as aforesaid, and that he is of the age above stated.
Samuel J. Bolling, Judge of Probate (seal)

56.187  Jany. 16 / 51.
Philip Coleman
Miss. Mil., Act, Sept. 28 / 50
1812 -- Land
Presented by Wm. J. Alston

I, Philip Coleman, hereby constitute Herndon L. Henderson of Butler County, Alabama, my agent and attorney in fact, for me and in my name to apply for and obtain any warrant from the United States to which I may be entitled by reason of services rendered by me in the military service of the same.
Given under my hand and seal this 8th day January A.D. 1851. Philip Coleman  X (his mark)

The State of Alabama  )
Butler County         )
Before me, Samuel J. Bolling, Judge of the Court of Probate for said county and state, came Philip Coleman, who acknowledged that he signed, sealed, and delivered the foregoing power of attorney to the above named Herndon L. Henderson on the day of the date thereof and for the purposes therein mentioned. Given under my hand and official seal, this 8th day of January A.D, 1851.
Samuel J. Bolling, Judge of Probate (seal)

Act of March 3, 1855.
(Circular  I.)
Pension Office, Jany. 4, 1856
The application of Philip Coleman for bounty land under the act of 3d March, 1855, No. 123199 for service under the command of Capt. Heard, bearing date 28th April 1855, has been examined and the claim suspended.
It is necessary that the following affidavit be subscribed by claimant, and returned properly certified to this office before further action can be had on said claim.
Very respectfully,
J. Minot

A.F. Posey, Esq.
Greenville, Ala.
State of Alabama  )
County of Butler  )  ss.
On this 6 day of January A.D. one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, personally appeared before me a Edward Lee, within and for the county and state aforesaid.  Philip Coleman -- who, being duly sworn according to law, declares that he has not applied for or received bounty land under this or any previous act of Congress, other than the application referred to as the application, under which he received a 40 acre warrant, issued under the act of September 28th, 1850. Philip Colman X (his mark)
Sworn and subscribed before me. Edward Lee, J.P.

State of Alabama  )
Butler County     )
I, Saml. J. Bolling, Judge of the Probate Court, for and within the county and state aforesaid, do hereby certify that Edward Lee, Esq., before whom the foregoing affidavit was made, was at the time an acting Justice of the Peace for said county and state, dedicated, and qualified, fully authorized to administer oaths and take acknowledgements, and that his signature thereto is genuine. In certainty whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affix the seal of my office, this 9th day of February 1856.
Samuel J. Bolling, Judge of Probate

The National Archives, Bounty Land Files
Act of 55-120-wt    56526
Veteran    Philip Coleman
Sim. War      Grade    Pri.
Service    Capt. Heard, Miss Mil.
Can No.   652      Bundle No. 151