Will of Arthur RAWLS
signed 27-Dec-1846, recorded Sep-1847. Laurens County Courthouse, Dublin, Georgia

Transcribed by Marsha King Grady, November 2000
Contact Marsha at myfamilypast@yahoo.com

"Arthur Rawls, in the name of God Amen. I, Arthur Rawls, of the county of Laurens and state of Georgia being in bad health of body but of sound disposing mind and memory thanks to God for his mercies, calling into mind the mortality of my body and knowing that I must shortly depart this life, have thought it right and proper to make this my last will and testament, disposing of the effects where with it has pleased a kind Providence to bless me in this life, hereby revoking and disavowing all other former wills by me heretofore made and ratified, and confirming this and no other shall be my last will and testament. That is to say, I give recommend my soul into the hands of Almighty God who gave it and my body recommend to the earth to be buried in a decent and Christian-like manner suitable to my circumstances and condition, trusting in the consecration of the same through our blessed Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and as touching ? wordly estate wherewith it has pleased God to help me in this life.

I give divise and dispose of in the following manner and form. First, it is my will and desire that all my just debts be paid without delay by my executors as there will [be] necessity for any delay. Also, I give and bequeath to my eight heirs and the illegitimate children of my daughter Elizabeth Smith (being together one heir), Daniel Rawls, Redick Rawls, Lucy Rawls, and Mary Rawls, the following property viz one third of my land including my present residence, three negroes, Isaac a man, KiKi(?) a woman, and Sally a woman with as much household and kitchen furniture, plantation tools, and stock of all kind as my wife, Milly Rawls, may select for her use during her life; the above named property to remain in the hands of my said wife Milly during her natural life and then to be equally divided amongst my said eight heirs (the said children of Elizabeth Smith being one). Also, I give and bequeath to my said eight heirs, the children of said Elizabeth Smith being one, Daniel Rawls, Elisha Rawls, Redrick Rawls, David Rawls, Anna Rawls, Lucy Rawls, and Mary Rawls to be equally divided amonst them all the residue of my estate both real and pesron to [be] delivered to them or their representatives as soon as a distribution can be legally made, and I do hereby nominate and appoint Jethro Arline executor to this my last will and testament. This 27th day of December A.D. 1846. Signed by his mark Arthur Rawls.

Witnesses: Levi Davis, Ephriam Hightower, Jeremiah Walker (signed with his mark), James Hicks"