Last updated: 10/24/2021
The Adventures and Experiences of
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America loses an American Patriot
Harlie G. Turner AUG 27, 1924 - OCT 20, 2021.
Harlie, like so many other patriots who served during WWII, truly defined why this generation was called the Greatest Generation. He lived his life selflessly. He was a loving husband, father, and grandfather, and a friend to so many. He was always willing to help anyone in need and his love for the country was immeasurable. Not only was he my grandfather, but he was also my role model, and my friend. I loved him and will miss him. God rest his soul.


Obituary link - Harlyn G Turner

Also see video at bottom of Harlies obituary from above link

Harlyn G Turner  

Welcome to the Harlyn Glen Turner Homepage.

Harlie Turner This website has been created to share the colorful life of my Grandfather, Harlie Turner.

Throughout you'll find some of his real life experiences dating back to his youth--including a fascinating bootlegging story. The depression and the rough times it inflicted on the Turner family is also retold.

Highlights from his 30 years of military service in the airforce, revolving around some B-24 missions flown in Europe during WWII, are recounted. There is also an exciting tale of when he and his crew members had to ditch their B-29 due to mechanical trouble and they wound up face-to-face with island natives.

Finally, check out the genealogy section containing pedigree charts, family fact sheets, photo graphs, and short stories about our ancestry.

I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I have enjoyed hearing them!

Flag    Who is Harlyn Glen Turner?
Find out more about Harlie and his family origin and background. Research his family lineage with the pedigree chart.

Flag    Here Come the Revenue Men.
Enjoy a chase through the back waters of the Mississippi River as Harlie and his father try to elude the law after the FED breaks up their moonshine still.

   D-Day Arrives!
Be there on D-Day with Harlie and crew of his B-24 aircraft named "Little Rollo" during the great invasion of France.

Flag    Hold On... We're Going Down!
During a rescue mission, Harlie's B-29, named "Hogan's Goat," has to ditch. Harlie and crew find themselves surrounded by island natives! Are they civil or savage?

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