Last Updated:05/20/03
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Pedigree Chart #2D
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NOTE * The links shown beyond Sarah J. Braden are not yet proven (Only a possibility) *
I obtained this information from another genealogist and have not yet researched his data.
It is listed here as probable lead for future research!
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2Henry D. McKeever
Born: Abt 1840
Place: Virginia
1 Frank Burgess McKeever
Born: October 16,1874
place: Albion,Noble,Indiana
marr: Mar 05,1907
died: Nov 22,1922
place: W,W,NC?
12 Soloman Braden
Born: Abt. 1794
Place: Washington Co., PA
marr: January 20, 1819
place: Frederick Co., VA or MD?
died: Bef. 1870
Place: Green Twshp, Ashland Co., OH
Chart 3D
6 Danial H. Braden
Born: Abt 1823
Place: Ashland Co.,Ohio
marr: January 25, 1843
place: Richland Co.,Ohio
died: Abt. 1870
Place: Clinton, DeWitt Co., IL?
|    See Note * above
13 Freelove Harlan
Born: Abt. 1794
Place: Frederick Co., VA or MD?
died: Bef. 1870
Place: Green Twshp, Ashland Co., OH
3 Sarah J. Braden
Born: Abt 1846
Place: Ohio
7 Susanna Russell
Born: Abt 1822
Place: Pennsylvannia
died: Abt. 1870
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