Last Updated: 04/07/11
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Pedigree Chart #2F
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4 John (M)ichael Caspers
Born: ?
Place: Germany
2 John P. Caspers
Born: October 06,1820
Place: Prussia, Germany
Marr: 1852 Died: February 04,1900
Place: Cassville,WI
Buried: February 06,1900
Place: St Mary's Cem,Cassville,WI
5 B. "Caspers"
Born: ?
Place: Germany
1 Peter Caspers
Born: 1859
Place: Potosi,WI
Marr: April 14,1885
Place: Cassville,WI
Died: 1938
Buried: St.Mary's Cem,Cassville,WI
6 Peter Zeug or Sike?
born: 1805
place: Germany
died: 1905?
place: Potosi, Grant Co.,WI
3 Barbara Zeug / Sike?
Born: April 30,1835
Died: December 9,1917
Place: St Mary's Cem,Cassville,WI
7 Barbary Codunria
born: 1808
place: Prussia, Germany
died: 1880
buried: Grant Co,WI
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