Roeller Crew - First Crew of Little Rollo |
Standing L to R: Sgt. George Sorensen (tail gunner),
Sgt. Gorden Miller (waist gunner),
S/Sg. Thomas Carney (radio operator),
S/Sgt Martin Hollis (engineer/top turret gunner),
Sgt. Harlyn G. Turner (ball turret gunner),
Sgt. Albert Hebert (waist gunner).
Kneeling L to R: 2/ Lt. Frank Carver (navigator),
1/Lt. Howard Roeller (pilot),
2/Lt. Richard Parent (co-pilot), and
2/Lt. George Reynolds (bombardier).
click to enlarge
Malone Crew - New Crew of Little Rollo |
I'm told this crew was assigned for 10 missions.
Standing L to R: 2/Lt Wallace Malone,
2/Lt Hulet Mack, 2/Lt Jack Heuser,
F/O James Sheets.
Kneeling L to R: Sgt Frank Jakubiak,
Sgt. Kieran Culliton, Sgt Thomas Strohaker,
Sgt. Albert Eibel,Sgt. Harry Stricklan,
Sgt. Robert Steeves
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Malone Crew - Same crew members as above in Flight gear |
Standing L-R: Sgt Kieran Culliton,
2/Lt Wallace Malone,
2/Lt Jack Heuser, 2/Lt Hulet Mack
Kneeling L-R: Sgt. Harry Stricklan,
Sgt. Robert Steeves,
Sgt. Albert Eibel,
Sgt Thomas Strohaker,
F/O James Sheets.
Note: I did a face by face comparison of previous photo.
Possible identity errors may exist in this photo.
click to enlarge